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The Edge Singapore called out by MOM, MOE for inaccurate data on jobless graduates


An article by business weekly The Edge Singapore stating that only "...41.6 per cent of degree holders between the ages of 20 and 29" were employed in Singapore has prompted two government ministries to issue a clarification on the inaccuracies published.

In a joint clarification sent to several news outlets on Friday (July 5), the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Ministry of Education (MOE) said that both the print and online versions of the article had “quoted MOM’s employment statistics out of context and contained inaccuracies” about youth and graduate unemployment.

In the original print article titled Young, Educated and Jobless published on June 28, it was written that “in 2018, 149.4 residents out of 359.4, or 41.6 per cent of degree holders between the ages of 20 and 29 were employed”.

The article went on to say that this translated into “roughly 58 per cent” of university graduates who were unemployed.

In its clarification, the ministries said that these statements were wrong, explaining that the “41.6 per cent”referred to the proportion of employed residents aged between 20 and 29 who were degree-holders, and not the employment rate.

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