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The CECA lovers in Temasick continue to waste your money in Ah Neh Land


Alfrescian (Inf)
Thanks to sinkees not wanting transparency from Temasick, Temasick can freely pass on our CPF monies to certain people via investment 'failures'.


1.6 billion consumers but currently the induan ruling elites and domestic biz wants all that for themselves.
not all 1.6b pieces of trash can afford things leh

many are living in slums, maybe less than half can afford a decent living


Someone somewhere must be reaping lots of benefits for doing these investments. Lol :biggrin:

always said for decades. if no undertable money, no deal. nobody including the cheebye ho is that stupid
NOBODY in his right mind will invest in that shithole
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syed putra

not all 1.6b pieces of trash can afford things leh

many are living in slums, maybe less than half can afford a decent living
Invest early at a low price. Decades later, it will be a bonanza provided the authorities does not seize foreign owned assets for tax fraud, corruption, cheating or embezzlement.


always said for decades. no undertable money, no deal. nobody including the cheebye ho is that stupid
NOBODY in his right mind will invest in that shithole
No undertable money ? What about the 6 Far East executives bribing the Brazilian authorities to get contracts for the last 10 years?