Its interesting development. Old man's entire notion of having a GRC was predicated on that fact that no minority candidate can be elected on their own after HDB began the race quota programme. And we ended with rubbish PAP candidates of not only minority but of Chinese stock that got into parliament on the backs of strong candidates. In 2011, they tested the waters with a well credentialed candidate who had some Chinese blood, married to a Chinese but had been an MP in the form of Micheal Palmer. He won by 54% but a total unknown an newbie by the name of Lee LiLian got 41%. Quite close.
With Murali, that are a number of factors to be looked at. Not a drop of Chinese blood. Married to an Indian, no previous experience as an MP and standing in a single ward. The fact that he will win is a foregone conclusion but it also then undermines the undermines the entire concept of GRC except that it helps useless PAP candidates.