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The 16 most amazing attractions in Shanghai



16. The Jin Mao Tower

A merging of Eastern and Western architectural styles makes this pagoda-like building unique.
A merging of Eastern and Western architectural styles makes this pagoda-like building unique.© Provided by Microsoft Travel (Wikimedia Image)
American architectural firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill have churned out one the best-looking eclectically-designed skyscrapers ever conceptualized. One of China's most iconic buildings, this 1,380-foot tower is a mixed-use glass and steel structure. The first to the 50th floor are dedicated to office spaces. An annex building 6-stories high houses event halls and a recreational center, among other facilities. The upper floors, on the other hand, are allocated to rooms owned by Grand Hyatt Shanghai. This hotel is crowned by the observation deck, which is on the 88th floor. This topmost section has an area for daredevils, in the form of a glass pathway without rails called the Skywalk.