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Thai Princess collapses heart condition they say



*Vaccinated Thailand Princess Bajrakitiyabha dies suddenly at age 44*

Immediate CPR unsuccessful. ECMO unsuccessful. What a tragedy. *It was Thailand which PROVED that the COVID vaccines CAUSE heart injury in nearly 30% of young adults.*

*Vaccinated Thailand Princess Bajrakitiyabha, 44, suffered a heart attack while running* on December 14, 2022.

*Attempts at CPR and even ECMO in the hospital were unsuccessful. This is a sign of major heart injury.*

It is rare for someone so young, who clearly has the best medical care, to die like this.

The next in line for the throne is also highly likely vaccine injured

Also, the next in line for the throne has autism, which is a well-established vaccine injury (why else would the CDC order CDC employee William Thompson to destroy all the data linking the MMR vaccine with autism?):

“These events have huge repercussions for the Thai monarchy because it was assumed Bajrakitiyabha would be the next monarch, or would be regent for her younger half-brother Dipangkorn who has autism and will not be able to reign alone,” Andrew MacGregor Marshall added.

Will there be a proper autopsy? I seriously doubt it. Here’s why.

*Unfortunately, I don’t think there will be an autopsy with the proper tests because it would kill the vaccine program worldwide*. There will be tremendous pressure NOT to definitively know what killed her.

*Also, the royal family isn’t going to want to look bad for pushing the vaccine.*

If there is not a proper autopsy to find the true cause of death, that pretty much tells you everything you need to know.

However, *the royal family could easily ensure that the autopsy shows nothing by threatening the people doing the examination*, so I’m not sure that even if they did an autopsy it would be above board.

*So the sudden deaths will continue.*

Other sudden deaths of prominent people
Mark Crispin Miller does a superb job of tracking all the sudden deaths here:

*In memory of those who DIED SUDDENLY*:- News from Underground by Mark Crispin Miller


*Thailand study proved that the Pfizer vaccine causes heart injury in nearly 30% of young adults*

Ironically, it was Thailand Researchers who proved that the vaccine causes heart injury in nearly 30% of young people who got the Pfizer vaccine. Read here:

*Thailand study of young adults post jab showed nearly 30% with cardiovascular injuries*


That article points out that the rate of actual myocarditis and pericarditis found in that study was consistent with rates reported at a school near me (Monte Vista Christian School) and also from a flight surgeon who works at a US military base who was appalled by the rates of myocarditis post-vaccine but was ignored by her commanding officer.

The people of Thailand must call for a proper autopsy that looks for vaccine injury

Hopefully, the people of Thailand will demand an autopsy. That is the SINGLE most important thing they can do.

If you want to find out what killed the Princess, the autopsy will tell you.

As Dr. Ryan Cole says, “The cells do not lie.”
