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Thai grandma praying for the Princess. Sinkies very Ungrateful !


Sinkies damn KNN, always cursing our Prince and Dowager.

Every year give you money and CDC vouchers, take money liao still curse our Prince and Dowager. Very ungrateful !



Alfrescian (Inf)
Sinkies damn KNN, always cursing our Prince and Dowager.

Every year give you money and CDC vouchers, take money liao still curse our Prince and Dowager. Very ungrateful !

Robbers give back some of your money... need to show gratitude? :o-o:

red amoeba

Alfrescian (Inf)
How long did they sustain Lky life the other time ? Yeah the princess is dead. Matter of time before the decision to pull the plug. Thugsin won this round.