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Al-Jarallah is a powerful media presence in Kuwait, as a noted journalist and as the owner of three newspapers. He has had enough of the Palestinians, indeed had had enough of them back in 1990 when 400,000 of them, living comfortably in Kuwait, betrayed their host country and sided with Saddam Hussein. He urges the Saudi Crown Prince to consider how the Palestinians have treated the Saudis and other benefactors, and suggests that he should focus laser-like on Saudi national interests, which no longer have anything to do with the ungrateful and grasping Palestinian leaders, or their people. The Palestinians have been nothing but trouble for the Gulf Arabs since 1967, constantly demanding huge amounts of aid, their leaders pocketing what they can and then promptly asking for more. Those leaders have helped themselves to billions of dollars in aid money: five billion taken by just two Hamas leaders, Khaled Meshaal and Moussa abu Marzouk, in a high-wire act of financial escamotage, and $400 million for the family firm of Mahmoud Abbas & Sons. And in addition, at the next level, there are 600 “Hamas millionaires” living in Gaza with anywhere from $2-$4 million apiece, and another few hundred PA millionaires, with similar amounts, living in the West Bank, mostly in villas in Ramallah. It all adds up to an enormous sum that has been siphoned off from the aid meant for the Arabs living in Gaza and the West Bank, that is, the so-called “Palestinians.”
Al-Jarallah has reminded the Saudi Crown Prince of how much the Palestinians have taken, and how little — that is, nothing — they have given in return. They have betrayed the Kuwaitis in wartime, massacred Lebanese Christians, tried to overturn King Hussein of Jordan, savagely criticized the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco for joining the Abraham Accords. Their imams inveigh weekly against Riyadh. There is no reason for Saudi Arabia to use up any of its diplomatic capital in Washington or Jerusalem in trying to push for what the Palestinians unrealistically demand, and thereby endangering the normalization of ties with Israel. The Palestinians have had decades to accept peace offers from Israel, and turned them all down. They have a problem with Israel. Let them deal with it. The Saudis and Kuwaitis and Emiratis have their own wellbeing to think about. That’s Ahmed Al-Jarallah’s advice to the Crown Prince: Drop the subject of Palestine. Let’s hope MBS takes it.
I take issue with the claim that “the whole world supports Israel.” Has Al-Jarallah looked at the votes in the UN recently? Or at how much of the media covers Israel and the Palestinian, so hostile to the former, so understanding of the latter? But it is true that the advanced Western world, especially the U.S., and most members of the EU, do still support Israel, and that the Jewish state has managed to reestablish ties with dozens of black African states that cut off diplomatic relations in the wake of the Yom Kippur War. Both economically, and militarily, Israel continues to make great strides.We have received nothing but bad news from the “cause,” and to this day there are those who invest in it for personal gain. Therefore, we must approach matters in the right way, and see how the inimitable Arab leader, the late Anwar Sadat, understood the dimensions of this situation, and worked to liberate Sinai, the Suez Canal, Sharm El-Sheikh and Taba, without war, but through negotiations. Because the whole world supports Israel, as a result of the childish terrorist acts committed by the Palestinians themselves.
The Palestinians keep splitting into more and more factions; now there are 20 of them. Instead of Palestinian unity, these new groups vie with the older ones for their share of money and power. Many of the Palestinian leaders live abroad, in Doha, Qatar, or New Cairo, Egypt, or in Monaco, on the French Riviera, or in Mayfair, in London, enjoying their ill-gotten gains far from the prying eyes of the Palestinian public.Prince Mohammed bin Salman, you have nothing more to do than look at the Palestinian groups, and to whom each of them sold the slogan “Liberating Palestine,” and what benefits their leaders are getting, to know that these people have forgotten their country for decades, and have other goals, and to realize that the world will not wait, and the Palestinian factions, which have reached 20, live on political blackmail. Those who do not submit to them are assassinated, their image is distorted, or they are insulted. At the same time, they live a comfortable life in Israeli cities, and they have their own companies in Israel.
Palestinian imams in their Friday khutbas inveigh against the rich Arabs of the Gulf. They complain of not being given enough money. Then they vented their anger at the UAE and Bahrain for joining the Abraham Accords and normalizing ties with Israel. And now they are thundering against the Saudi Crown Prince, as it becomes clear that Riyadh is intent on normalizing ties with the Jewish state without demanding the creation of a Palestinian state. This has prompted fury among the Palestinians, who see themselves as being betrayed by the Saudi plutocrats. And they are still smarting from the cuts in aid, both to the PA and to UNRWA, by the Gulf Arabs, during the last few years. They regard such aid not as a gift but as theirs by right.While we were chanting for Palestine, they were planning to kill us, and while we were diverting our own money to them, they were spending it on sabotaging our country, and they declared “Allahu Akbar” every time Saddam Hussein fired a missile at Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
Prince bin Salman, listen to the Friday preachers in Gaza and the West Bank, and the insults hurled at the House of Saud, your father, you personally, and all the peoples of the Gulf….
Al-Jarallah is a powerful media presence in Kuwait, as a noted journalist and as the owner of three newspapers. He has had enough of the Palestinians, indeed had had enough of them back in 1990 when 400,000 of them, living comfortably in Kuwait, betrayed their host country and sided with Saddam Hussein. He urges the Saudi Crown Prince to consider how the Palestinians have treated the Saudis and other benefactors, and suggests that he should focus laser-like on Saudi national interests, which no longer have anything to do with the ungrateful and grasping Palestinian leaders, or their people. The Palestinians have been nothing but trouble for the Gulf Arabs since 1967, constantly demanding huge amounts of aid, their leaders pocketing what they can and then promptly asking for more. Those leaders have helped themselves to billions of dollars in aid money: five billion taken by just two Hamas leaders, Khaled Meshaal and Moussa abu Marzouk, in a high-wire act of financial escamotage, and $400 million for the family firm of Mahmoud Abbas & Sons. And in addition, at the next level, there are 600 “Hamas millionaires” living in Gaza with anywhere from $2-$4 million apiece, and another few hundred PA millionaires, with similar amounts, living in the West Bank, mostly in villas in Ramallah. It all adds up to an enormous sum that has been siphoned off from the aid meant for the Arabs living in Gaza and the West Bank, that is, the so-called “Palestinians.”
Al-Jarallah has reminded the Saudi Crown Prince of how much the Palestinians have taken, and how little — that is, nothing — they have given in return. They have betrayed the Kuwaitis in wartime, massacred Lebanese Christians, tried to overturn King Hussein of Jordan, savagely criticized the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco for joining the Abraham Accords. Their imams inveigh weekly against Riyadh. There is no reason for Saudi Arabia to use up any of its diplomatic capital in Washington or Jerusalem in trying to push for what the Palestinians unrealistically demand, and thereby endangering the normalization of ties with Israel. The Palestinians have had decades to accept peace offers from Israel, and turned them all down. They have a problem with Israel. Let them deal with it. The Saudis and Kuwaitis and Emiratis have their own wellbeing to think about. That’s Ahmed Al-Jarallah’s advice to the Crown Prince: Drop the subject of Palestine. Let’s hope MBS takes it.