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Army ultimatum : House dissolution and PAD's end of protesting
A situation monitoring panel under the Army resolved on Wednesday to a dual call for the government to dissolve the House and the People's Alliance for Democracy to end its protests.
<!-- Google Dtail Ads --> Army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda said at a press conference that this is a best way out of the political turmoil as the rival camps will have to simultanously cease their fights.The panel expects the government to take the first move on the House dissolution, followed by the PAD to completely stop the opposition movement.
Should the government fail to heed the proposal, the bureaucracy might resort to civil disobedience to stop implementing government orders.
In case, the PAD fails to end the protests, social sanction will be imposed.
Anupong emerged after two-and-a-half hour meeting with academics and leading civil servants at the Army headquarter.
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Army ultimatum : House dissolution and PAD's end of protesting
A situation monitoring panel under the Army resolved on Wednesday to a dual call for the government to dissolve the House and the People's Alliance for Democracy to end its protests.
<!-- Google Dtail Ads --> Army chief Gen Anupong Paochinda said at a press conference that this is a best way out of the political turmoil as the rival camps will have to simultanously cease their fights.The panel expects the government to take the first move on the House dissolution, followed by the PAD to completely stop the opposition movement.
Should the government fail to heed the proposal, the bureaucracy might resort to civil disobedience to stop implementing government orders.
In case, the PAD fails to end the protests, social sanction will be imposed.
Anupong emerged after two-and-a-half hour meeting with academics and leading civil servants at the Army headquarter.
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