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Temasek & SoftBank's FTX has a shortfall of US$8 billion, was seeking emergency liquidity, and that without more capital, bankruptcy is likely.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Really incredible that a person can lose billions of public funds and not only is not held accountable but earn what is probably the highest salary in the world.
When a minister can actually refuse to answer a question in parliament by simply saying its not meaningful to do so, I guess its the end .
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Alfrescian (Inf)
Really incredible that a person can lose billions of public funds and not only is not held accountable but earn what is probable the highest salary in the world.
When a minister can actually refuse to answer a question in parliament by simply saying its not meaningful to do do, I guess its the end .

Hardly incredible. There is no accountability or oversight in a totalitarian shithole. Refer to China.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This whole crypto scandal reminds me of this great song by Sam Hui. This world is truly full of idiots.



Alfrescian (Inf)
sbf. must be a samster, now a scamster.