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Temasek says CAG chairman Liew Mun Leong contributed much to S'pore, cautions against jumping to judgment over case involving ex-maid


His so called "contribution" was rewarded with a $20m cash bonus in 2007.....money not enough ?

Porfirio Rubirosa

Since this matter is still before the courts, wouldn't this count as interference?

Contempt of court/legal system?
No more in the Courts lah.

High Court appeal for criminal cases is the final court of appeal in Singapore. So Chan SO J's judgment on Friday overturning the District Court decision and acquitting Parti is final.


Super Moderator
Staff member
No more in the Courts lah.

High Court appeal for criminal cases is the final court of appeal in Singapore. So Chan SO J's judgment on Friday overturning the District Court decision and acquitting Parti is final.

Thanks for explaining. Sorry I was looking for "Supreme Court". I guess High Court is the equivalent of that in Sg.


Alfrescian (Inf)
He got paid so much to contribute.... isn’t that fair reward already? Still need to pat his head and say good job, then grant him immunity meh?

It was necessary to pay him such high bonus. Otherwise, how else to justify the even higher bonus for his
bosses. Everything they do are just self-serving lah. He is just one lucky sperm.




Alfrescian (Inf)
I don't think this applies to Criminal cases except perhaps capital punishment cases.
Read Lim Tean’s comments. I think in this case it’s final. Could have gone higher if High Court upheld DJ’s sentence and conviction.

Years ago, my friend’s criminal case went all the way. Convicted at State Courts, upheld in High Court then Court of Appeal. CJ heard the appeal with 2 others. Steven Chong and another.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This reminds of of Penang boy Tay Chiang Wan who was drove to commit suicide even though he had built many HDB for low SES sinkies

Porfirio Rubirosa

This reminds of of Penang boy Tay Chiang Wan who was drove to commit suicide even though he had built many HDB for low SES sinkies
Recall Tay Kheng Soon said it was well known amongst the construction industry that Teh Chiang Wan was a bad corrupt egg from his days as head of HDB. LKY not a good judge of character as well.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This reminds of of Penang boy Tay Chiang Wan who was drove to commit suicide even though he had built many HDB for low SES sinkies
I believe that he spells it Teh
Should be (driven to commit suicide), not "was drove to commit suicide ..."