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Teen dies hours after complaining of sore throat and cough


Don't anti jab until kee siao lor
Anti jab also must have limit de woh.
If you don’t understand vaccine had never prevented any disease in your body, you can continue to live in delusions. We the pure blood are fine with that. In the end, you die your own biz due to your own stupidity and ignorance


If you don’t understand vaccine had never prevented any disease in your body, you can continue to live in delusions. We the pure blood are fine with that. In the end, you die your own biz due to your own stupidity and ignorance
Strike a balance between Jab and anti jab is the way to go.
That includes all kind of jabs.


Strike a balance between Jab and anti jab is the way to go.
That includes all kind of jabs.
All jabs are craps as mentioned. If you don’t understand what diseases really are, feel free to take Jewish drugs as much as possible and living in a fantasy that the Jews are your saviour. They wanted to save gentiles’ life lol

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All jabs are craps as mentioned. If you don’t understand what diseases really are, feel free to take Jewish drugs as much as possible and living in a fantasy that the Jews are your saviour. They wanted to save gentiles’ life lol
Is beneficial to some and detrimental to some.
Is a very complex thing that even the best doctors in the world will not be able to determine. Case to case basis and not blanket party comments.


Is beneficial to some and detrimental to some.
Is a very complex thing that even the best doctors in the world will not be able to determine. Case to case basis and not blanket party comments.

Modern doctors are indoctrinated with germ theory to sell Jewish drugs and pseudoscience


Don't anti jab until kee siao lor
Anti jab also must have limit de woh.
When they force it against your will, discriminate, threaten, make your life as difficult as possible, etc.... at that time got fucking limit or not? You KP simi lan jiao? KNN want to force people to pak that garbage NBCB zham, now anything can also be blame on that and will not even come remotely close to be considered over the limit. Pak Ji Ki Lan ok Ji Ki Lan

If you are receiving treatment for an existing disease and you develop new symptoms then, until proved otherwise, you should assume that the new symptoms are caused by the treatment you are receiving.


When they force it against your will, discriminate, threaten, make your life as difficult as possible, etc.... at that time got fucking limit or not? You KP simi lan jiao? KNN want to force people to pak that garbage NBCB zham, now anything can also be blame on that and will not even come remotely close to be considered over the limit. Pak Ji Ki Lan ok Ji Ki Lan

If you are receiving treatment for an existing disease and you develop new symptoms then, until proved otherwise, you should assume that the new symptoms are caused by the treatment you are receiving.
Sheeple will always find excuses for sudden death of others. They would not want to hear the ugly truth but comfort lies are more suited for them.



When they force it against your will, discriminate, threaten, make your life as difficult as possible, etc.... at that time got fucking limit or not? You KP simi lan jiao? KNN want to force people to pak that garbage NBCB zham, now anything can also be blame on that and will not even come remotely close to be considered over the limit. Pak Ji Ki Lan ok Ji Ki Lan

If you are receiving treatment for an existing disease and you develop new symptoms then, until proved otherwise, you should assume that the new symptoms are caused by the treatment you are receiving.
That one have to fuck pap liao :geek:
I asked @Truthspeak to have limit becos he is a forummer here. If PAP is here I also will ask them to have limit :wink:


Anti-vaxxer, science denier, conspiracy theorists are all names invented by the Jews and the government, mainstream media uses these names to ridicule those against them. If you use these terms against your own men, you end up their accomplice indirectly and they will be happy if you continue to do so