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Teen dies hours after complaining of sore throat and cough


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Flu symptom can lead to death to anyone.
When bacteria enters your bloodstream, you get sepsis and die.
Nonsense. Flu is just a detoxification symptom. Only the dying soon elderly will not be able to survive this when they are having these detox response

You cannot catch a flu from someone, bacteria or even a fictional virus. You get it only when you are having toxins in your body and your body will expel these in the form of flu or cough.

Just like vomiting, urinating, shitting and menstruation. Our body are always detoxing.

If you don’t understand these detoxification symptoms, that is why you are jabbed because you don’t do your due diligence enough.

Only the fools are indoctrinated to think they can catch a flu from someone or some viruses which had never happened at all
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Nonsense. Flu is just a detoxification symptom. Only the dying soon elderly will not be able to survive this when they are having these detox response

You cannot catch a flu from someone, bacteria or even a fictional virus. You get it only when you are having toxins in your body and your body will expel these in the form of flu or cough.

Just like vomiting, urinating, shitting and menstruation. Our body are always detoxing.

If you don’t understand these detoxification symptoms, that is why you are jabbed because you don’t do your due diligence enough.

Only the fools are indoctrinated to think they can catch a flu from someone or some viruses which had never happened at all
I did not say flu but said flu symptoms.
Bacteria can cause flu symptoms.
Bacteria can cause sepsis to anyone not just elderly.
Even doctors is unable to determine is virus or bacteria infection, so they usually cover patient with course of antibiotics in case is bacteria.


Old Fart
Nonsense. Flu is just a detoxification symptom. Only the dying soon elderly will not be able to survive this when they are having these detox response

You cannot catch a flu from someone, bacteria or even a fictional virus. You get it only when you are having toxins in your body and your body will expel these in the form of flu or cough.

Just like vomiting, urinating, shitting and menstruation. Our body are always detoxing.

If you don’t understand these detoxification symptoms, that is why you are jabbed because you don’t do your due diligence enough.

Only the fools are indoctrinated to think they can catch a flu from someone or some viruses which had never happened at all
so flu, cold and other viruses are not contagious? They are made up by evil people seeking to profit from these lies?


Nonsense. Flu is just a detoxification symptom. Only the dying soon elderly will not be able to survive this when they are having these detox response

You cannot catch a flu from someone, bacteria or even a fictional virus. You get it only when you are having toxins in your body and your body will expel these in the form of flu or cough.

Just like vomiting, urinating, shitting and menstruation. Our body are always detoxing.

If you don’t understand these detoxification symptoms, that is why you are jabbed because you don’t do your due diligence enough.

Only the fools are indoctrinated to think they can catch a flu from someone or some viruses which had never happened at all
Also certain bacteria cannot be get rid off by the body naturally, antibiotics is needed or else you will die.


I did not say flu but said flu symptoms.
Bacteria can cause flu symptoms.
Bacteria can cause sepsis to anyone not just elderly.
Even doctors is unable to determine is virus or bacteria infection, so they usually cover patient with course of antibiotics in case is bacteria.
Flu is flu, what flu symptoms?
Bacteria causes flu symptoms? Can this be demonstrated using scientific methods? Or it just a logical fallacy? Please don’t make claims that you cannot prove using scientific methods


You are jabbed because you didn’t know flu is a detox response. Do you want to take a jab for lao sai? If you want, that already means you don’t understand your own body lol