That is the Swiss standard of living promised by the PAP.
where are the hunks? but no PRCs pls
Originally Posted by wendychan View Post
last week supposed to be dining wheel chair style in USA....?
one of the biggest coward hypocirte liars aorund lidat say my idol, scroobye good meh???no lah. it was someone else's story. he's notorious for reposting as though it is his own (plagiarizing) without citing link or original author. he did that to sumiko's hubby so much so that many on sbf thought he was the quek quek divorcee from the uk.
the clue is in the title. "....good for them"
Yes. At our vintage, if can eat don't waste !:p
Btw, Johnny brought his guitar with him on the trip to entertain us during the long journey.:o lidat say my idol, scroobye good meh???
Singapore has more than 20,000 taxis...
however it is still quite difficult to get 1 at times.....
What is the reason???
i have many taxi drivers friends.......
many of them only drives for a few hours only....just enough to cover rentals and fuel.....
they spend most their time playing mahjong, tcss, punting at turf clubs; etc....
imagine lta has to resort to minimum mileage to get them on the road more often.....
Seriously, i think scroobye has a kpi to meet....based on the nos. of threads started (quantity not quality).
hahaha.....the adage is true....At least his kpi is based on number of threads. Your kpi is based on how many times u fuck your grandson's backside. I think u have the easier kpi to achieve.
Sorry lah I got an iPad now with all the old tunes. No need to lug a guitar around. Now I only play on special occassions. Maybe when the old leaf ups the lorry we can form a Samy choir & give him a green goodbye.
hahaha.....the adage is true....
if you don't open your mouth, nobody will know you are an empty vessel.....
the fact that u have resort to make such rubbish posts double confirmed u, papsmearer as a vulgar empty vessel....period.
that's right. singapore has the world highest concentration of taxis per capita and yet alot of fark up taxi drivers who are retrenched still think the world of themselves by choosing when and who to pick up. It's the only occupation where only local citizens are aloowed to drive taxis as a mean of employment for usual farked up dead woods. as much as I am a local , I say open up the market to improve service. most iof these people drive taxis as it the only to have a car at your own disposal (due to astronimical COEs) without incurring large expenses. tahts why alot of these idiots only drive for a few hours to recoup rental and costs and after that spend all their time in casinoes or kopitaims talking cock instead of driving. for once LTA is correct in imposing minimum mileage. go and sit in a cab in Hongkong or tokyo and you get professional service unlike all these useless deadwood retrenched drivers lidat say my idol, scroobye good meh???
Singapore has more than 20,000 taxis...
however it is still quite difficult to get 1 at times.....
What is the reason???
i have many taxi drivers friends.......
many of them only drives for a few hours only....just enough to cover rentals and fuel.....
they spend most their time playing mahjong, tcss, punting at turf clubs; etc....
imagine lta has to resort to minimum mileage to get them on the road more often.....
Seriously, i think scroobye has a kpi to meet....based on the nos. of threads started (quantity not quality).
On the former, he's bragging on his new kkj inplant. But the op went awry, and he's wearing this tepee trousers.erection is a hunk ...reaches out to all with his massive member. ... :p
xtravagant salaries 4 ownself, massif returns from own properties investmens, chip n ezily available labor 4 coys, playground 4 wealthy 4eigners n benefits 4 peasants thru finger cracks of ze rich ...The Govt could have planned it much better like many other Governments such as Canada, Uk and OZ etc. The failed to do it ...
The taxi uncles forgot to mention they whack big big on dead colleague's taxi number