His face looks very much "wu tak chek". I suspect he could be a medical doctor, a lawyer or ex-banker.
The only problem is
Expressing disappointment does NOT make you lose face. When he voted for TKL, did he NOT harbor any hope that TKL might win ? If he DID, and if there was HOPE, and the HOPE did not materialize, then DISAPPOINTMENT would naturally follow, regardless of what he said. His words can HIDE disappointment, but cannot DENY disappointment. The condition of DISAPPOINTMENT is HOPE.
If you are ridiculed because the candidate you supported turned out to be the LOSER, I say 愿赌服输。Likewise, if the candidate you supported is victorious, you don't have to be cocky. FACE or the fear of LOSING FACE has no relevance.
Shifting your support to Tharman by pretending to be MODERATE after you appeared to have supported TKL from the start, now that is something we should beware.

It is also a face-saving act, but a lot more adulterous compared to 跌落地都要楋翻揸沙