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Botak is not independent. He is inLEEpendent!Tan Kin Lian has more calibre and working experiences as compared to PAP speaker Halimah Yacoob. If the latter can be shoved into Istana without people mandate, Tan Kin Lian is a real deal for all Singaporeans.
This coming PE is a fight between Ng Kok Song and Tan Kin Lian. Tharman is off the radar, from all Singaporeans, because he is NOT INDEPENDENT candidate.
Very insightful article indeed. So basically, Tan Cheng Bock was such a useless has-been that the MP for that area didn’t even bother to reply him directly.
And the old fart continue to think he’s some missing messiah to save Singapore by supporting TKL?! Lol
Now with TCB's official endorsement of TKL, my prediction of the final results are as follows:
Reference from last PE 2011 results: Tony Tan = 35.2%, TCB = 34.85%, TJS = 25.04%
Don't be surprise... people vote for tkl is voting for tcb and tsj too... a 3 in 1 flavour... also vote for lhy too...Now that this has become a PAP vs Opposition election, a better gauge is to use the Bukit Batok (2016 by-election) and 2020 GE where an Indian going by the Chinese name of Moo Ra Lee, beat a Chinese (Chee Soon Juan) in a Chinese majority constituency (61.21% and 54.80%).
Tharman is a whole lot more popular (even amongst Chinese) than Moo Ra Lee. To be fair to him, he is actually a genuine and nice chap. And amongst the three, the most "presidential" in demeanour and conduct.
The only and huge problem is that when he wins, the local Ahnehs will become more arrogant and kwailan than they already are. They will seek to aggressively intrude further into the spaces of the Chinese. The ones in India will come flooding in.
As I said before, this PE is not about selecting the best but the least worst. We have one whose Presidency will result in Singapore being an Indian state. We have another, a Lau Chee Hong and an avid photographer of pretty girsl and their backsides (this sick and disgusting bastard likely masturbates to the photos of the girls he shoots). And another, a paedo-creep with his tattooed doll.
Very tough choice. But in the end, with clowns like TCB and the mosquito parties turning this into a PAP vs Opposition issue, Tharman will prevail. He will win this Friday. So congrats to him.
No such thing. The executive presidency has no such powers to pardon anyone without Cabinet's "recommendation" and approval.Don't be surprise... people vote for tkl is voting for tcb and tsj too... a 3 in 1 flavour... also vote for lhl too...
With tkl as President, he can pardon lhy family..
Singapore will have a miracle President....
Good luck...
If tkl become EP it prove that the power of EP can destroy PAP too... a loophole can remove PMship... a check and balance...
How do you know it has become a PAP vs opp election? Just because the media make it out to be? It depends on how the people see it. Some pple vote TKL is to not let WEF interference to the country. There are people who do not go along what the media make it out to be. Are Singaporeans that media dependent on info? There are internet alternative info for people to judge and gauge by themselves.Now that this has become a PAP vs Opposition election,
How do you know it has become a PAP vs opp election? Just because the media make it out to be? It depends on how the people see it. Some pple vote TKL is to not let WEF interference to the country. There are people who do not go along what the media make it out to be. Are Singaporeans that media dependent on info? There are internet alternative info for people to judge and gauge by themselves.
Are you downplaying the power of personal discretion and awareness or do you think even such thing exist in human beings?
I do not know if he craves the limelight or not.He craves the media limelight from "personal" endorsements from oppositionist who have no balls to admit that they are not acting as "individuals" but in their capacity as "oppositionists".
Tharman is a trustee of WEF. his boss is Klaus Schwab.I deem both TKL and NKS as independent. TKL has resigned from PAP long ago while NKS wasn't even part of PAP. His work in GIC is merely a career not political affiliation.
Can't say the same for Tharman. He is a party member for 20 years overnight he claimed to be independent just because he resigned yesterday.
Tharman might argued he is another OTC but OTC had proven himself during his tenure as president while Tharman does nothing and never opposed any bill tabled by PAP.
TKL took 30 years to realize PAP went ‘breaking bad? If u believe this bullshit, I got a whole life insurance plan to sell to you.I deem both TKL and NKS as independent. TKL has resigned from PAP long ago while NKS wasn't even part of PAP. His work in GIC is merely a career not political affiliation.
Can't say the same for Tharman. He is a party member for 20 years overnight he claimed to be independent just because he resigned yesterday.
Tharman might argued he is another OTC but OTC had proven himself during his tenure as president while Tharman does nothing and never opposed any bill tabled by PAP.
This is a support thread for Tan Kin Lian on his PE 2023 race journey. He carries a heavy responsibility as a sole flag carrier for an independent candidate. Hope you all can give him the support to bring down Tharman and the establishment. Hoot Hor Yi Si! (see latest updates below 27/8/2023: TCB finally endorse TKL!)
We need to treat this PE like a Single-Member Constituency (SMC) for the whole freaking country with PAP (+Estab) vs Independent (Opposition).
Ironically this PE is our one and only hope to vote against the PAP for the whole country.
Regardless of whether Tharman or NKS is more qualified for the post and can speak better to rep Singapore overseas or not, voters must be obsoletely clear about their objective of voting this time round, i.e. to send a strong middle-finger signal to PAP that many commoners are not happy with their policies and they must not continue to take GE voters for granted. This paves way for better quality opposition candidates to step forward in next GE.
Else imagine for any aspiring opposition candidate wanting to join next GE look at the current scenario, ruling party = PAP, knn even the president holding the 2nd key also = PAP, join opposition for fark? Might as well join the PAP, LOL.
Caveat: PAP and their supporters knew he is a big threat to Tharman hence it's likely that from now onwards til polling day, there will be lots of gutter politics with all kinds of unsavoury news about TKL to try to fix him from being elected as President.
Let's begin and start with how he reach out to people. This is real reach to the ground commoners, you can see that people are generally friendly to him without stress or fear, not that kind done by PAP ministers who walk around like emperor with body guards irritating the shit out people and people no choice have to shake their hands out of fear LOL...:
PAP keep trying to use the main media to say that the president must be 'Unifying people' and above politics etc. But is actually pure Bullshit. If PAP is really sincere to make it non-political then they would have set rules to prevent anyone who are members of any political party for past 5 yrs for e.g. to stand for election. Then Tharman would be banned and not endorsed by the PM to run.
So in fact PAP is the one making it political while technically only appearing apolitical under the law, LOL. What hypocrisy.
Bearing in mind that besides custodial powers, the President can also push and champion for many social causes which are intrinsically linked to PAP-Gov policies. Forget about how the main media cleverly omitted the mentioning of social causes but keep harping about about the president's custodial powers like a puppet as if the position is strictly non-political, LOL.
In fact Halimah has strangely done that recently advocating for rapist above 50 to be caned in her FB posts, LOL.
" SINGAPORE: President Halimah Yacob on Monday (Dec 19) suggested that rapists aged 50 or older should not be spared caning, in a Facebook post expressing her dismay at recent cases of children being raped in their own homes. "
Means this Presidential Election is in fact a farking political position election disguised as non-political only under the law, even more so than a GE which we all know is foregone conclusion being dominated by the PAP regime.
Hence it's paramount that TKL must become the president and once Tharman loses the presidency, means wat?
It will become unprecedented, PAP will panic and shit in their pants wondering what the fark happened.
Most importantly, it means we are sending a strong middle-finger signal to PAP that many commoners are not happy with their policies and they must not continue to take GE voters for granted. This paves way for better quality opposition candidates to step forward in next GE.
One small step at a time folks, but this is the most crucial step. Else PAP will remain in power at least for the next 50 years. You want that to happen?
It's now or never.
Updated 27/8/2023:
Hosay liao, Knn East Wind finally came! The formidable 'Three Tans' took nearly 65% voteshare against the ruling party in last PE 2011. Means wat?
Tan Cheng Bock, presidential candidate in 2011, showed up at People's Park on Aug. 27, 2023 together with his old opponent, Tan Kin Lian.
Tan Kin Lian is currently running for president in the 2023 election, against Ng Kok Song and Tharman Shanmugaratnam.
Tan Cheng Bock, is the Chairman of the Progress Singapore Party, and previously served as its Secretary-General until 2021.
He had previously not indicated who he will endorse in this year's campaign.
Means... Tharman is finished, Habis la, Gonchang, Gone Case, 完蛋了,芭比Q了, முடிந்தது (Muṭintatu). Don't even need to talk about Cock Song.![]()