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Chitchat Tan Kin Lian declined to participate in Q&A with young Singaporeans (lol… scared?)


TKL is scared that voters will demand that he answer for his pervy FB posts on pretty girls or racist rants against CECA.
What scared ? I would have adviced tkl to turn up and even volunteer to bring up this topic to clear his honest name.
And say - You all don't chee bye

And say - you think when other people never say out means they never think of pretty girls ? If they say yes, ask them to do a death pledge and you will do one too to see who is the liar :geek:
They will not dare to pledge because they will die (100%)


What scared ? I would have adviced tkl to turn up and even volunteer to bring up this topic to clear his honest name.
And say - You all don't chee bye
View attachment 187932

And say - you think when other people never say out means they never think of pretty girls ? If they say yes, ask them to do a death pledge and you will do one too to see who is the liar :geek:
They will not dare to pledge because they will die (100%)
If they say - Why should I play this stupid death pledge game with you ?
You can say- you are the 1 that started it by saying I'm a pervert. Yet you dare not take up this pledge. Farking liar and loser :geek:



Actually not young. The 1st person to ask is a 34yo almost botak :wink:
When cock song answered so confidently about the 2 important roles as a president of sg.
1. Protect our hard earned financial reserves
2. Unusual role of elected president of sg is to Uphold the integrity of the public service.

Why noone asked him - during the iswaran case, where is mdm halimah ? :geek:
He will chwee tart lan immediately sia.


Reminder that announcement of results for pe is even shorter than a penalty kick.
Guess in which order will the result be announced?

I think should be in this order -
1. The least votes I.e 3rd placing
2. The most votes
3. The 2nd placing