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Chitchat Tan Kin Lian declined to participate in Q&A with young Singaporeans (lol… scared?)

Scrooball (clone)



Wise Samsters think alike :geek:
I would also have rejected if I were him.
I will ask to speak to their parents. Don't waste my time all these new gen youngsters.

I will vote for tkl.
But I can say loudly that tharma will win the election using my reputation as sbfuncle in sbf as stake :geek:
simply because majority of human beings will go for someone they think is most normal.
Among the 3 candidates, is obvious that tharman appear to be the most normal .
So we don't need to analyse too deeply because the answer is already there. Any other justifications cannot overule this point .


Scrooball (clone)

This is known as relativity.

When a shit candidate like Tan Kin Lian talk cock by himself , it doesn’t look so bad. But when the shit candidate is placed in the midst of other great candidates, then relativity will show how much more of a shit Tan Kin Lian is.


If it is a SPH organised event….SPH would have targeted difficult controversial questions to be put forward to TKL and easy questions with prepared answers to Tharman.

Clever of TKL to reject.


This is known as relativity.

When a shit candidate like Tan Kin Lian talk cock by himself , it doesn’t look so bad. But when the shit candidate is placed in the midst of other great candidates, then relativity will show how much more of a shit Tan Kin Lian is.
Watch out for booby trap setup by PAP GLC...


Wise Samsters think alike :geek:
I would also have rejected if I were him.
I will ask to speak to their parents. Don't waste my time all these new gen youngsters.

I will vote for tkl.
But I can say loudly that tharma will win the election using my reputation as sbfuncle in sbf as stake :geek:
simply because majority of human beings will go for someone they think is most normal.
Among the 3 candidates, is obvious that tharman appear to be the most normal .
So we don't need to analyse too deeply because the answer is already there. Any other justifications cannot overule this point .

Reminder that announcement of results for pe is even shorter than a penalty kick.



Actually not young. The 1st person to ask is a 34yo almost botak :wink:
If I'm tkl , I will turn up and the moment the 1st question is asked , I will tell them you better go ask the pm LHL before you ask me :geek:
Phrase it for them - ask the pm how would he like me to blah blah blah once I'm elected as a president.
This simple short answer will show that I'm ready for a real war with the pm. I believe the youth that asked this will get stun also.
Even cannot win the elections, it will get LHL to pee abit on pant 1st.