please no. bedok reservoir is already fully booked by bros (bedok reservoir orgy of suiciders). please proceed to marina bay.This TcB really ownself endorse ownself. Ownself think he’s relevant and that people listen to him,
13% should just go to Bedok reservoir
Here’s a few numbers for you to call if you have further concernseven lesser than Mr flaccid. I think something is amiss in the sampling count. They cheat at the sampling count.
>Singapore voding bobulation is fugging uselessSingapore voting population is fucking useless. Giving Tharman 70% of the votes is sending a clear message to Pinkie and his bunch of degenerates that they can fuck the voting population every which way, inside out, outside in ….. and invited to do more. The country is fucking doomed - MIW will retain a majority in parliament in the next GE. Even higher cost of living, more CECAs becoming citizens, locals marginalized against foreigners….. Jeyaratnam was ever so right in the last GE that Singaporeans fucking deserves the government they voted for. Fucking bunch of losers.
Hey I thought u guys could win even if a dog contested?TKL speaks like a retard with a lisp, his online post scandals etc.. he can't even make it as an opposition candidate, how to be president to represent Singapore overseas? So it's very difficult to convince the large majority of Singaporeans to vote strategically for him.
Sg is doom. Tharman is a WEF shrill. Which is depopulation shrill. I suggest u make plans to leave Sg. I didn't choose dark time in Sg, the vaccinated dumbfucks did. Bye Sg.Let's pray hard that he'll be another Ong Teng Cheong, if not, better than Ong Teng Cheong to be able to question the PAP-Gov with an 'independent' mind which he has claimed to be.
Else SG is doomed.
U see the long BKE traffic jam on voting day, u know liao...tBH, no point wasting our time here... New minted sinki exceed at least 2x of True Blue Sinki population... That is the game in town for a long foreseeable futureSingapore voting population is fucking useless. Giving Tharman 70% of the votes is sending a clear message to Pinkie and his bunch of degenerates that they can fuck the voting population every which way, inside out, outside in ….. and invited to do more. The country is fucking doomed - MIW will retain a majority in parliament in the next GE. Even higher cost of living, more CECAs becoming citizens, locals marginalized against foreigners….. Jeyaratnam was ever so right in the last GE that Singaporeans fucking deserves the government they voted for. Fucking bunch of losers.
You're staunchly anti-China yet you would support a candidate who has explicitly voiced his support for the CCP merely because he is an anti-establishment candidate. Brainwormed oppie subhuman voting for his enemy just to spite the PAP 1000iq move. It just goes to show that every oppie fag is a spineless and malleable simpleton who can be manipulated into betraying his own values out of an irrational hatred for the ruling partySuddenly you see pappy cocksuckers sprung to life here. I wonder why? Is this forum being 渗透 by pappy dogs?
He all ready mp many moons ago no need this expo sure is for new bees.TCB first mistake is to nominate that Leung mum Wai as MP into parliament. He should be in instead. He will greatly raise his profile and even if he turn up endorsing Tok Kok Lian he will garner more for him although he still won’t win.