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Taliban calls for international funding to support its efforts to fight climate change




The Taliban has shown its support for anti-climate change efforts, calling for international aid to help complete environmental projects in Afghanistan.

Citing a need to protect the country’s ‘fragile climate’, Taliban spokesman Suhail Shaheen said ‘tremendous work’ was needed to help Afghanistan become greener.

The Taliban regime, which came into force in August, will not be represented at Cop26 as it is yet to be recognised internationally….

Mr Shaheen said: ‘Afghanistan has a fragile climate. There is need for tremendous work.

‘Some climate change projects which have already been approved and were funded by Green Climate Fund, UNDP, Afghan Aid, should fully resume work.’

Relief agencies have warned that a drought in Afghanistan, which UN scientists say has been worsened by climate change, could force 22 million into ‘acute food insecurity’….

Mr Shaheen stressed, however, that the Taliban – who had previously targeted international contractors – would be be able to ensure the security of teams working in the projects.

Writing on Twitter, he said: ‘The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is committed to providing security and a safe environment for the work of NGOs and charity organisations.’…,/blockquote>

syed putra

Taliban doing excellent job is eliminating its people. Climate change can only be controlled by depopulating.


Alfrescian (Inf)
What would a fucking terrorist organization be interested in climate change ? These infidels think they can extort money for noble cause ?


Alfrescian (Inf)
What would a fucking terrorist organization be interested in climate change ? These infidels think they can extort money for noble cause ?

Climate change is a huge scam, of course the Taliban wants a piece of the pie. :biggrin: