The bus company's General Manager resigned taking responsibility for the bus accident that caused 2 deaths.
Certainly this is not SBS nor SMRT.
There is total lack of this responsible culture in this red dot, starting from the famiLEE LEEgime down. Regardless how the MRT trains collided; the SIA planes crashed; the SBS bus crashed; the Silk Air crashed; regardless how passengers had suffered and died.
They will say honest mistake pse move on! :oIo:
司機恍惚蛇行撞死二女 大都會總經理請辭
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/06/08 17:05</q>
台北市週日晚間,發生一輛大都會客運270路公車,在行經研究院路二段時,先後撞上一名腳踏車及 機車女騎士,結果造成兩死的不幸,他今天被以十萬元交保,台北市副市長吳清基今天則是到三軍總醫院,探望兩位不幸遭撞死的死者家屬,副市長除了致贈慰問 金,也承諾市府會協助家屬爭取相關的權利金和撫卹金。至於整起意外,副市長吳清基表示,初步瞭解,是因為公車陳姓駕駛吃了感冒藥、精神恍惚才會釀成意外, 經過檢查駕駛沒有酒駕,北市府一定會依法追究。
Certainly this is not SBS nor SMRT.
There is total lack of this responsible culture in this red dot, starting from the famiLEE LEEgime down. Regardless how the MRT trains collided; the SIA planes crashed; the SBS bus crashed; the Silk Air crashed; regardless how passengers had suffered and died.
They will say honest mistake pse move on! :oIo:
司機恍惚蛇行撞死二女 大都會總經理請辭
<label> </label> 更新日期:<q>2009/06/08 17:05</q>
台北市週日晚間,發生一輛大都會客運270路公車,在行經研究院路二段時,先後撞上一名腳踏車及 機車女騎士,結果造成兩死的不幸,他今天被以十萬元交保,台北市副市長吳清基今天則是到三軍總醫院,探望兩位不幸遭撞死的死者家屬,副市長除了致贈慰問 金,也承諾市府會協助家屬爭取相關的權利金和撫卹金。至於整起意外,副市長吳清基表示,初步瞭解,是因為公車陳姓駕駛吃了感冒藥、精神恍惚才會釀成意外, 經過檢查駕駛沒有酒駕,北市府一定會依法追究。