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Taiwan is shitless after Japs media reported PLA War Game / Drill to retake Island in Aug.2020. 死了!死了!

democracy my butt





台湾“国防部” 作计室联合作战处长林文皇宣称,台军对外离岛都有相关应处机制与应援计划,驻岛部队的战备执勤、火炮射击、战斗技能与后勤维保,相关战备整备工作“具有等同陆战队坚强战力,能确保岛上安全”。台湾《联合报》称,东沙岛的迫击炮阵地隐藏在地表下,“坚固可用”。台“海巡署”12日表示,东沙驻防海巡部队预计6月将实施火力演习,“验证岛上阵地各式迫击炮、机炮射击效能”。



The Japanese media revealed that "the PLA's August exercise seized Dongsha", and the Taiwan army was tense!

The Japanese media revealed that "the PLA's August exercise seized Dongsha", and the Taiwan army was tense!


Original title: Japanese media exposed "The PLA exercised in August to seize Dongsha", the Taiwan army is nervous!

Japanese media said the landing exercise was "unprecedented in scale."

An exclusive report released by the Kyodo News on the 12th stirred up thousands of waves in Taiwan: "The PLA plans to hold a landing exercise with the imaginary goal of" taking the Dongsha Islands under Taiwan "in August." The Taiwan military ’s emergency statement on the day “can ensure the safety of Dongsha”, experts on the island speculated that the PLA ’s move was “intent to open up the aircraft carrier to the Pacific Channel” and “preparation for the South China Sea air defense identification zone”.
(Screenshot of Kyodo News report) (Screenshot of Kyodo News report)

Kyodo News quoted sources as saying that the PLA plans to hold a large-scale landing exercise in August in the South China Sea area near Hainan Island with the imaginary goal of seizing "Taiwan Islands under Taiwan". The landing exercise will be carried out by the southern theater responsible for the defense of the South China Sea, using landing ships, hovercraft, helicopters and the Marine Corps, "unprecedented scale."

According to reports, the Dongsha Islands are located on the route from Hainan Island, where the PLA Navy has a base, to the Pacific Ocean through the bus strait in southern Taiwan, and are of strategic importance for the PLA to enter the Pacific Ocean. The first Chinese-made aircraft carrier Shandong ship listed in December last year was also deployed at the base of Hainan Island. "For the PLA, it is indeed necessary to control Dongsha."
Dongsha Islands Information Map, Figure Source Taiwan Media Dongsha Islands Information Map, Figure Source Taiwan Media

In addition, the report also mentioned that in order to collect PLA intelligence, the US military electronic fighters frequently flew in the airspace near Dongsha, "13 times in April alone." The report said, "The People's Liberation Army is anxious about the increasingly active military activities of the US military in the South China Sea. This exercise may lead to increased tensions with the United States and Taiwan."

The Taiwan military attaches great importance to this report. At the regular press conference of Taiwan ’s “Ministry of National Defense” on the morning of the 12th, Taiwan ’s “Ministry of National Defense” spokesman Shi Shunwen emphasized, “For the joint military exercises and military developments in the surrounding areas, the National Army has used joint intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance to be able to respond to the surrounding conditions. Fully grasp and timely response ". At present, Dongsha and Taiping Islands are stationed by Taiwan ’s "Sea Patrol Administration". The officers and men stationed on the island are trained by the Taiwan Marine Corps, equipped with mortars, rapid-fire machine guns and other artillery, and have the strength of light infantry.

Taiwan ’s “Ministry of National Defense” Chief of Operations Office Lin Wenhuang declared that Taiwan ’s military has relevant response mechanisms and response plans for outlying islands. The preparation work "has the same strength as the Marine Corps and can ensure the safety of the island." Taiwan ’s United Daily News stated that the mortar positions on Dongsha Island were hidden under the surface and were “sturdy and usable”. Taiwan's "Sea Patrol Administration" said on the 12th that the Dongsha Garrison Patrol Force is expected to conduct fire drills in June to "verify the shooting effectiveness of various mortar and machine gun positions on the island."

In addition to speculating that “the PLA ’s seizing Dongsha is intended to open up the domestic aircraft carrier to the Pacific route”, Lin Yingyou, an assistant professor at the Institute of Strategy and International Affairs of Taiwan ’s Chung Cheng University, also believed that the PLA ’s exercise area and the outside world ’s popular “South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone” There is some overlap, so it may also be to prepare for the next step of setting up the "South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone".

Military expert Song Zhongping told reporters from the Global Times on the 12th that the strategic location of the Dongsha Islands on the southeastern coast, which connects the South China Sea and the Western Pacific, is very critical. If the Dongsha Islands are leased by the Taiwan authorities to the US military to carry out some military detection activities, such as installing detectors or anti-submarine equipment, it will have a greater impact on the PLA. Some people in the Taiwan authorities have advocated leasing Taiping Island to the US military, and it does not rule out the possibility of leasing Dongsha Island in the future. Song Zhongping believes that the root cause of the increasingly tense situation in the Taiwan Strait is that the Tsai Ing-wen authorities continue to engage in "Taiwan independence," and even to achieve the legal "Taiwan independence" through the constitution. Under this premise, the PLA prepares for military struggles, including joint military exercises, and intends to "knock the mountain and shake the tiger", warning "Taiwan independence elements" not to cross the red line and the bottom line. He said, "The PLA ’s exercise to seize the island is a normal subject. As the name suggests, the exercise to seize the island is aimed at islands, the Dongsha Islands are islands, the Penghu Islands are also islands, and Taiwan ’s main island is a larger island. Military exercises can be transformed into military operations at any time. "

Source: Global Times-Global Network / Guo Yuandan

Editor-in-Chief: Van Stern