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Syed Putra’s friend demands respect from Bus 173 in the middle of a road.

syed putra

All that anger and agravation will not solve anything. Either you burn the bus or just be thankful nothing terrible occured.


What's he gonna do with the photos of the bus number plate he has taken? Lodge a complaint with SBS? And he expects the bus company to take action against the driver when he's the aggressor throughout? Typical Mat mentality. Too much Islam addles the brain.

syed putra

What's he gonna do with the photos of the bus number plate he has taken? Lodge a complaint with SBS? And he expects the bus company to take action against the driver when he's the aggressor throughout? Typical Mat mentality. Too much Islam addles the brain.
The malays defeated chinese communist mcp and their leader chin peng begged to be allowed to return yo teluk intan but was denied until his death,