Subhas is a regular at TianAnMen n Las Vegas where his client will invite him there for free paying for his tips as well.... But dun ask me whether did the client pay for the sex service coz I dun know!!!
He was well know with his Harry Elias colleague back then for the place he patronize....
You sure? Looks like the nigger and his client had some deal and the client got taken advantage of.
He used to be a regular at those rowdy Indian clubs at Little India.. His old kakis own these clubs.. The crowd are 99% Kelings..
is it asoka? The most famous shit skinned rowdy type of club i can recall is called asoka and they play their shit skinned local music called ajandi music aka shit skin ah beng type of music.
One group called lockup from mudland used to have this famous ajandi song called kokorokko which means chicken without feathers.
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To have an idea what these shit skins listen to try searching for the band called darkeys This is the type of shit that goes on in mama pubs. Low class and fucked up
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