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Serious Stupid Sinkie Block The Road Against Good White Woman At Turf Club Road!


Alfrescian (Inf)
sinkie doesn’t know right of way rules on sinkie’s own roads. how to drive outside of sg? no wonder sinkie drivers die inglorious deaths on overseas roads.

syed putra

The guy can see earlier on the lady just pulled out from the side. He could have stopped and reverse just a little bit out of courtesy. But in typical sinkie fashion, the moment he saw the car coming out, he decided to block it.


Alfrescian (Inf)
The guy can see earlier on the lady just pulled out from the side. He could have stopped and reverse just a little bit out of courtesy. But in typical sinkie fashion, the moment he saw the car coming out, he decided to block it.
must be sbf unker rushing for his $6.9 breakfast.


The sinkies had two opportunities to move his car to one side, while the AMDL didn't. Even after he missed the 2 chances, he could have still reversed a few metres and made use of these 2 spaces:



C'mon...these are the kind people that created jobs for us. Please reverse your car and let her pass.....