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Straits Times tabloid standard lousy quality journalism.


Straits Times tabloid standard lousy quality journalism.

Instead of bar type soap, they report that Goh Chok Tong used one whole bar of soap everytime he showered. (must be very dirty to need so much soap).

Factually, what GCT said in his National Day Rally in 1996 was that he had upgraded from using ordinary bar soaps for everything to speciality mild type soap as well as shampoo and conditioner for specific body parts.

Obviously these reporters do not bother to do proper research and just blurt out according to some vague memory without getting their facts right or proof read their own reports.

Maybe nobody reads the Straits Times and to cut costs, rubbish, half-past-six, half asleep reporters r hired.

Price concerns
Getting 'buy-in' on cost of living
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Household expenditure surveys have found that ownership of mobile phones, personal computers and Internet subscription has also gone up, with Singaporeans adopting a digital lifestyle.
Household expenditure surveys have found that ownership of mobile phones, personal computers and Internet subscription has also gone up, with Singaporeans adopting a digital lifestyle.PHOTO: BLOOMBERG
In his National Day Rally speech, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong explained why Singaporeans are feeling cost-of-living pressures - not just because of price increases, but because they have become used to a higher standard of living. Insight looks at this, and what can be done to ease the strain.
Tham Yuen-C Senior Political Correspondent
Yasmine Yahya Senior Political Correspondent
It is said that numbers speak for themselves, but when it comes to the cost of living, they sometimes do not.

The issue of rising costs and managing one's income is vexing Singaporeans enough that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spoke about it a fortnight ago during the National Day Rally, which is considered the biggest political speech of the year.


What Straits Times reported:https://www.straitstimes.com/politics/getting-buy-in-on-cost-of-living

What GCT said in NDR 1996 ( http://www.nas.gov.sg/archivesonline/data/pdfdoc/1996NDRenglishspeech.pdf ):


Alfrescian (Inf)
for me 6.9 drops of dish washing liquid per day to wash everything from dirty dishes (2 drops) to hair (2 drops) to armpit hair (1 drop) to lanjiao hair (1 drop) to hands (0.9 of a drop). for body wash just rinse hair and soap lather or suds will flow downwards, cleansing the body.:FU:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Wooden uses LAM SOON SOAP tp bathe...damn cheapskate!...LAM SOON soap tan in colour about 20 cm in length back then, lower SES people buys them. The use the chopping knife cuts them into smaller bars, wash clothes with them & bathe with them. Later, they were sold in individual packing & was blue in colour inside. These were the cheapest soap. People back then, could not even afford LUX soap. Why are we concern with what detergent he uses when be bathe? for all we care, he can use powdered ones or those liquid ones that can be bought cheaply from the stores, that sells them,especially the $2 store.


Super Moderator
I remember using a small bucket and cupping it over the head while the icy cold water trickles down was the way to go, using a small face towel coupled with a small bar of soap and giving the body a good o' rub and that's it. Correct me if my memory is failing, the rambut becomes super dry so we don't "shampoo" with the soap that often.


Of course! Politics is very dirty. You need a good bar of soap and bathe with a lot of money to wash the dirt off your conscience. :cool: