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[Straits Times] - Battered and weary Hezbollah desperate to negotiate peace with Israel, no longer demands Israel end war against Hamas as condition


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

Hezbollah seeks ceasefire as Israel sends more troops to Lebanon​



Hezbollah officials drop Gaza truce as condition for Lebanon ceasefire​



Rogue Trader

Alfrescian (Inf)
Huh? Last night they just sent 200+ drones into northern Israel which the iron dome couldn't catch.

What news is our Straights Times reporting?


This is evidence that ST is in the pockets of the deep state and WEF propaganda machines.
What normally goes on is that they have a list of story at hand and ready to publish, from various perspectives and angles, even when nothing has happened at all.
Apparently someone made a mistake and took out the wrong story and published it.