Come election , elderly and new citizens here still vote them in.actually PM just praised these people,
OYK said get used to 200, now 2000
Fail with distinction now, what is there to praise?
Then don't do well, blame the people.
Come election , elderly and new citizens here still vote them in.
We are screwed badly.
Fail with distinction means F9.actually PM just praised these people,
OYK said get used to 200, now 2000
Fail with distinction now, what is there to praise?
Then don't do well, blame the people.
61 per cent, please go fly kite okay, you gave them the mandate. FU
Last night, Singapore clocked 2268 daily cases.
India's population is 230 times larger than Singapore.
2268 cases x 230 = 520,000 daily covid cases proportionally.
Five months ago, India clocked a record 320,000 daily cases.
The situation is out of control in Singapore.
Small, overcrowded shithole island = more vectors, opportunities for infection. What a surprise!
For India, at least they have less densely populated rural areas and a lower standard of public healthcare. What's Sinkieland's excuse?
They are more or less copying whatever Israel is doing. Fourth booster shot akan datang?