not every guy behave like a Mangina.. if you are one, you can't expect others to be like you.
Told you liao. Bro chootchiew is the REAL deal !
He choot chiew at least $1,500. Even prepared to choot chiew $3,000. He is a gentleman, never expect the girl to reciprocate with a kiss or blow. This guy $30 only expect the girl to be SO, whatever that is supposed to mean.
LOL. gum sia gum sia.
He is a disgrace to man. Want to give $30 gift better don't give. Want to give must give something like the girl will feel heart pain with their own $ if they buy themselves. Not necessary must be $1.5k $3k, even $400 $500 is good
maybe banker wanted to test bitch true color with just cheap CD?
the bitch fell into the trap?
I am appalled at the lack of sincerity on the guy's part. Little wonder why so many sinkie women prefer Caucasians, who know how to wine and dine a woman and treat her like a princess.
I am appalled at the lack of sincerity on the guy's part. Little wonder why so many sinkie women prefer Caucasians, who know how to wine and dine a woman and treat her like a princess.
There are two types of male species who will treat women like a princess:
(1) Prince (Charming)
(2) Eunuch
Women are looking for the 1st option, but more often than not, they end up with the 2nd. The 1st option represents women's aspiration; the 2nd is often the reality. It takes awhile for the women to wake up from their delusions.
I treat my wife well and in return, she treated me like her king since our courtship days.
that's the problem with sinkie charbors these days, placing a monetary thus material value on any date or romantic encounter. why can't they look at it differently in retrospect? what if the chap was thinking mcdonald's because the chick was a fast-food junkie and had time constraints for an elaborate fancy dinner date? it should be about the time spent together to explore chemistry and depth of attraction and interest in one another in body language and conversation rather than the place or food. love sparks can happen anywhere including a bus stop or at a dirty table in a busy kopitiam. what if the chap took painstaking effort and time to think about various song scores, select them and sequence them on a cd to make it a unique listening experience? there may be a theme or message in the selection and sequence of songs. those sentimental values sometimes are immeasurable and worth more than dollar signs. ok, i have just shitted a type 4. it's my sentimental side showing when i'm shitting.
...... those sentimental values sometimes are immeasurable and worth more than dollar signs. ok, i have just shitted a type 4. it's my sentimental side showing when i'm shitting.
that being the case and for all it is worth, you guys should profess to the gal --- "i love you so much......i could shit!......and the heroine laughing and falling in love with the weirdo but obviously that shit only exist in the land of imagination.