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Still think your EVs are environmentally-friendly?


EV is just another electronic equipment no value and disposable. Once it gets into self drive mode, accident free, it will worth nothing....


Alfrescian (Inf)
Too late. Traitors have sold out the country to Blackrock.

Expect plenty of initiatives to reduce carbon footprint/emissions, including but not limited to, reducing the number of cars or pushing people to buy electric cars, eating of insects for a more 'sustainable' food supply, 'renewable energy' (refer to that deal with Australia), a carbon tax, and culling off 'useless eaters' (it has already begun). :wink:

Temasek and BlackRock Launch Decarbonization Investment Partnership​

13 APR 2021

Why? Think of Sinkieland as a corporation instead of a normal country. Then refer to this:



Regarding EV, Sharon Stewart mentioned before that it is very dangerous and it is designed to kill you. I am not sure if that is true. The battery is at the bottom of the vehicle and during flood, it will be wet and maybe the electricity short circuit will kill you.


They won't have this problen if they only had bought Tesla cars. IMHO, only Tesla cars meet the green criteria.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Obviously someone has been pushing the entire car industry to make electric cars. If you walk along the Leng Kee car showroom area you can see plenty of ads for electric cars displayed there. :biggrin:



NET ZERO - Pretend you can’t see the diesel generator powering the electric charge point, to charge the climate friendly electric cars.


It's externalising the costs to the environment. In the ev biz plan, it does not consider proper disposal so there's not way it will. Never think thru.

Comparatively mild hybrid makes more sense for batteries to be supplementary to use petrol more effectively while minimizing the battery footprint needed. The likes of mazda

Even Hydrogen is better technology but they lose out because Elon Musk out talk all the japanese


I would like to get an EV. At least I don't have to go to petrol stations no more
I'm of the opinion that Singapore won't be successful in fully implementing EVs as almost 80% of its population lives in HDBs and condos, which have very limited charging stations. Commercial charges on the other hand are not only expensive (cost/kWh), but also time consuming. Imagine having to wait for at least 45 minutes to get up to 80% charge capacity, not to mention that you'll have to queue and wait if there is no available charger upon your arrival.

Unless one is living in a landed property with its own charger, a hybrid is a better alternative.


batteries achieve around 70-80% efficiency from base source of energy. vs 30-40% for gasoline.

And save 40% more efficiency ok. How to dispose Lithium Batteries after 5 yrs? Imagine big country go all EV, how much Lithium needs to be mined and dispose?

How about Hydrogen technology? It may cost more to produce but it can be produce at off peak rate and it only has water as bi product