You are clearly an idiot to believe that if one friend can recover at 94 than everyone else will similarly recover.
Vaccinations protect against severe COVID and save lives. Science and data will show that to be an undeniable fact. The benefits outweigh the risks of not being vaccinated. Low IQ people will look at some dubious deaths and blame it on the vaccines but don't look at the millions of lives that were saved because of the vaccines. Why? Because it's not sensation news. All medication, including vaccinations have risks. There are many people dying from taking a simple panadol but does that mean that paracetamol is bad and should be banned?
Not getting protected at a time when COVID is rampant and mutating is a very dangerous thing. As a healthcare professional, I have seen many dying from severe COVID because they were not vaccinated both here and overseas. Not being in that situation does not mean that it won't ever happen to you. Only when severe COVID strikes and when you're struggling to breathe in bed will you regret not being vaccinated. It may be too late by then.
Getting vaccinated or not is a personal choice just like having unprotected sex. Pulling out all kinds of data and spreading all kinds of nonsense will not prove anything. People will still continue to get vaccinated and will still believe in science and data. 97% here and more than 75% of people around the world have made their choice and the world is becoming a better place and opening up because of it. Vaccines help save lives. Get over it and stop wasting your time trying to sell the idea that it doesn't.