SPH deputy chief executive Anthony Tan said yesterday, "With the extension of the circuit breaker, SPH hopes to make your days brighter with entertaining and engaging content that you can enjoy as we all do our part to stay home, and stay safe."
SERIOUSLY? Cannot make it. Took a quick look at it. Unexciting content. Far from entertaining, let alone engaging. If this is all Anthony Tan and his team can do, good luck to SPH. He might as well close the shop.
SPH deputy chief executive Anthony Tan said yesterday, "With the extension of the circuit breaker, SPH hopes to make your days brighter with entertaining and engaging content that you can enjoy as we all do our part to stay home, and stay safe."
SERIOUSLY? Cannot make it. Took a quick look at it. Unexciting content. Far from entertaining, let alone engaging. If this is all Anthony Tan and his team can do, good luck to SPH. He might as well close the shop.