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South Korea and Singapore Hit Hardest by FTX Collapse


Alfrescian (Inf)
'learned from this lesson'?

learn his mother cheebye, 275million is a not a gigantic amount but divided by 3 million locals, each of us still can get $91 free money
what about those investments that made money? all gone where?

275mil is just a drop in the ocean. I suspect they lost HUGE money in China. Luckin Coffee alone was the tip of the iceberg. Don't forget Jack Ma's Ant Financial. :cool:

The FTX scandal only gained more media exposure because of the politics involved in other countries. :biggrin:




Alfrescian (Inf)
FTX = funders of Ukraine and the Democratic Party. Never forget. :wink:

Now you know why when the Russia-Ukraine war broke out, the pappies instantly jumped out to express support for Ukraine. :biggrin:
