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Song boh, because of China, now samsters will face with many rules to visit Thailand


Alfrescian (Inf)
Everyone is trying to leave the hell hole creates by Commie .

No doubt China is a great nation, but it's turning themselves into a hell hole lead by Winnie Xi.

China should never be a unified country. Once it does, the 'middle kingdom' mentality arises and seeks to subjugate the 'barbarians' outside of its borders.

Smash it up into smaller states like the former Yugoslavia. Provinces like Guangdong are wealthy enough to be an independent, sovereign country unto itself. :cool:



China is a great nation. But under the rule of Winnie, it has gone Mao way . No one in modern era will accept the kind of rule. It dump down people.

Covid-19 cannot be eradicated. You just cannot stop the virus from spreading. You can use the crude method of dynamic zero. I have hoped that China has learned their lesson from their Western counterpart. But it was not to be because we need things that his political system is far superior than the Western one. He's pride gave way to unscientific method of running the nation .

He should have used the Western vaccine to vaccinate his own people. Chinese peasant has been dropping like flies. He just fucked his own people.