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Song boh, because of China, now samsters will face with many rules to visit Thailand


It's still not clear when the new policy will be implemented.

It started off as a proposal, and a lot of people have been repeating news of the proposal as if it has been implemented.

The official source is tatnews.org - the Tourism Authority of Thailand. This is the same website that is recommended by MFA of Singapore.

There is a statement made by the Transport Minister on his party's website, but not on his Ministry's website, that the policy will be implemented on 9 Jan 2023.
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Alfrescian (Inf)
As per the subject

Let's see who are the biggest idiots: those who still believe the vaccines are 'safe and effective', or that those Tiong 'certifications' are actually believable. :biggrin:

It's like a duel in an old western movie, see who blinks first. :cool:


Let's see who are the biggest idiots: those who still believe the vaccines are 'safe and effective', or that those Tiong 'certifications' are actually believable. :biggrin:

It's like a duel in an old western movie, see who blinks first. :cool:
Go fuck yrslf and u blink first... dumbwit...


Chinese PRC are bastards because of barbaric Chinese communist. I am very lucky that my ancestors ran out from China many years ago


The correct way is to have a PDT (pre-departure test) for ALL if Thailand wants to porlampar China and does not want to single out China.

Now that they allow 2-jab China tourists to enter Thailand and spread the virus, it's a matter of time before ALL other countries would start treating Thailand like China, and subject ALL flights coming out of China to have a PCR test BEFORE and AFTER arrival.

When you have a building contractor run the Health Ministry in Thailand, this is what you get.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Go fuck yrslf and u blink first... dumbwit...



Tons of china tourists will arrive from tomorrow.
Of course not. If you read the official news from China, it means they will recommence issuing passports and visa for Chinese travelling overseas. It takes awhile to issue passports and visa, and not every application will be approved. It's more about tourists going into China, and not coming out of China.


Tourist going into China and get yourself fucked all over by some unknown disease it's killing the population. You can't get a paracetmol, can't get a doct or if you need.

What's there to visit ???


Tourist going into China and get yourself fucked all over by some unknown disease it's killing the population. You can't get a paracetmol, can't get a doct or if you need.

What's there to visit ???
Exactly! Go there and die.


Of course not. If you read the official news from China, it means they will recommence issuing passports and visa for Chinese travelling overseas. It takes awhile to issue passports and visa, and not every application will be approved. It's more about tourists going into China, and not coming out of China.
The rich will pay their way to sg.


Everyone is trying to leave the hell hole creates by Commie .

No doubt China is a great nation, but it's turning themselves into a hell hole lead by Winnie Xi.