And nobody in the whole complex could hear a gun go off? They had to wait till the wife called and then began the search?
sorry, sidetrack abit.
2m, 3m or really 23m? 23m is very far for a pistol shot. the old S&W effective range cannot be more than 15m. if u really so good, then u shd be the one represent the nation for the pistol competition instead of that chinaman.
If I were u, I stop bragging about my score and go for full physical checkup. The Police Academy indoor range was poorly ventilated and if u are lau cheow, you shouldbe tested for lead caused ailments and disease. The lead dust flying around in there can cause u all sorts of health issue.
Confirm no payout.
but police also a lot of bobo shooter, having difficulties in passing the test every year. promotion hanging yet still cannot pass.
Brother, no offence to you answer but 2 of my relatives who jumped floor got their payout. No lies about it.
Brother, no offence to you answer but 2 of my relatives who jumped floor got their payout. No lies about it.
No problem.
You referring to civilians? They do get paid but it is only after 12 mths?
Police's own insurance don't pay for suicide cases. Used to in the past. Stopped in the early 90s. Either during Boon Hui or Tua Bah's time as CP.
No problem.
You referring to civilians? They do get paid but it is only after 12 mths?
Police's own insurance don't pay for suicide cases. Used to in the past. Stopped in the early 90s. Either during Boon Hui or Tua Bah's time as CP.
TuaBah was the guy who ordered that payment to be stopped as during his time there were many suicides among officers.
What were the reasons no one knows.
When Boon Hui took over the suicides went down.
Just wondering if SPF provides psychological tests and mental support for its police workers. Don't want to see the day when one runs amok and commits a Columbine style massacre in Singapore.