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Soccer coach apologies for 7-0 defeat. Can you really win with retard Sinkie players ? Can a crow tranform into a phoenix?

Bad New Brown

Maybe heng heng, can lost 11-0

This scoreline can make the Jap coach can lose his job, I think he will park the bus in front of Thai players and make substitutions at half time to ensure fresh SG players come in to block shots with their legs and bodies.


I don't know if you guys see how they play and the betting odds with Singapore pool.
Sgp pool already predicted that it will be at least 4 goals, with Singapore losing end.

With the gulf of standard between the nation so wide. The Jap coach opted for an open play. That means take the Korean head on with open play. Either the coach has no experience or there's something going on.


Alfrescian (Inf)
With the gulf of standard between the nation so wide. The Jap coach opted for an open play. That means take the Korean head on with open play. Either the coach has no experience or there's something going on.

'Attacking attractive football' as mandated by his boss, maybe Edwin the four-eyed fuck himself. It's a political KPI, a directive from the top.


Alfrescian (Inf)
This scoreline can make the Jap coach can lose his job, I think he will park the bus in front of Thai players and make substitutions at half time to ensure fresh SG players come in to block shots with their legs and bodies.

What's the point? Sinkieland already eliminated. You're not impressing anyone by parking the bus.

Unless of course, he was bribed by China to prevent Thailand from winning.


Nippon coach divine wind tactic will not work miracle de..His Nippon-jin 小菊洞now start to have pluck pluck sound liao
This scoreline can make the Jap coach can lose his job, I think he will park the bus in front of Thai players and make substitutions at half time to ensure fresh SG players come in to block shots with their legs and bodies
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