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So jealous that Hokkiens get earlier phase for Hokkien Huay Kuan set up government aided schools then go set up your own schools lah



Robert Half

lcb ... midnight cannot sleep again .. going around disturbing people.

Listen to Dr M you should go find a job & work hard if not you will remained poor till the day you kick the bucket :biggrin:


Tee Zhuo
Education Minister Ong Ye Kung said yesterday that he sometimes gets asked why children of clan members can participate in an earlier phase of Primary 1 registration.

The reason, he added, is that Singapore should not forget the history and roots of government-aided schools, including the contributions of key stakeholders like parents and the Chinese community.

"Without them, these schools would not be here," he said at an award ceremony held by the Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan (SHHK) to recognise outstanding teachers.


"Today, they continue to play the role of upholding the tradition and culture of the schools and the community that started them."

In the Primary 1 registration exercise, children whose parents have clan or church connections to a school can apply in Phase 2B, the fourth of seven phases.

The priority given to these children has been a source of controversy in the past, with some calling for the Ministry of Education (MOE) to free up more places for those living near schools.

In his speech, Mr Ong, who is also chairman of the Chinese Community Liaison Group, traced the history of the SHHK's contributions to education in setting up six schools.


They are Chongfu (formerly Chong Hock Girls' School), Nan Chiau High School and Primary School, Ai Tong, Kong Hwa, and the oldest among them, Tao Nan - founded in 1906.

"These are all wonderful examples of schools set up by the community and for the community… Given their origins and the historical backdrop of their origins, these schools also carried the ethos, the culture and the values of their founding communities," Mr Ong said.


He noted that these schools and others set up by different communities in Singapore are collectively known as government-aided schools - distinct from government schools.

While both get government funding and have teachers from MOE, only the government schools are owned by the Government.


He noted that these schools and others set up by different communities in Singapore are collectively known as government-aided schools - distinct from government schools.

While both get government funding and have teachers from MOE, only the government schools are owned by the Government.

Hokkien Huay Kuan owned schools cannot give priority to Hokkiens? Complain what shit? Bloody thick skinned and self entitled people indeed.


lcb ... midnight cannot sleep again .. going around disturbing people.

Listen to Dr M you should go find a job & work hard if not you will remained poor till the day you kick the bucket :biggrin:
Another jealous Malaysian dog son of whore faking to be ccb sinkie. What a clown indeed to keep insulting an early retiree poor when ownself is too poor to retire even after 60.


Hokkien Huay Kuan owned schools cannot give priority to Hokkiens? Complain what shit? Bloody thick skinned and self entitled people indeed.
Such clowns don’t want to contribute a thing to help others aka STRANGERS that are not their family relatives and friends - not like me that contributed until get praised “extraordinary effort in fund raising” - and then complain for not getting priority for school admission. So bloody thick skinned, self entitled and selfish clowns indeed.


Such clowns don’t want to contribute a thing to help others aka STRANGERS that are not their family relatives and friends - not like me that contributed until get praised “extraordinary effort in fund raising” - and then complain for not getting priority for school admission. So bloody thick skinned, self entitled and selfish clowns indeed.
Only know how to get jealous for not able to get into good schools set up through the contribution of other kind souls. WTF indeed.


This Malaysian Cantonese son of whore dog must be one of those complaining. Only know how to live life like animals and give birth to more dogs and bitches.
This kind of people study in good school also useless grow up like their self entitled selfish bastard parents insult people poor or insult people whore to win. Many filthy dogs here are like that including one proud filthy dog @rambo22 following me around creating filthy threads.


This kind of people study in good school also useless grow up like their self entitled selfish bastard parents insult people poor or insult people whore to win. Many filthy dogs here are like that including one proud filthy dog @rambo22 following me around creating filthy threads.
物以类聚人以群分! No wonder I don’t belong to anywhere with filthy people. I am here only to dish out justice to filthy coward criminal dogs.


This kind of people study in good school also useless grow up like their self entitled selfish bastard parents insult people poor or insult people whore to win. Many filthy dogs here are like that including one proud filthy dog @rambo22 following me around creating filthy threads.
@rambo22 Insult me whore can song song to geylang? So cheap son of whore no money to get prostitute come to forum to bully decent woman as prositute.


@rambo22 Insult me whore can song song to geylang? So cheap son of whore no money to get prostitute come to forum to bully decent woman as prositute.
Obviously @Valium @AhMeng @glockman @sweetiepie etc and other ccb Malaysians and filthy Indians and ccb sinkies are sons of whores that fall to this cheap category. No money to get prostitute so cheap come to forum to treat decent Singaporean woman as prostitute and call it entertainment.