Sir Chootchiew, the Right Honourable Lord Protector of Online Justice, SBF Division,
My greatest respect to you, Sir.
I guess you have now gone to sleep. I am now hopeful that you are energising your OBE skills at this very moment as I write, and perform what I have humbly requested, Sir.
I await your OBE attestation in earnesty, excited, and most importantly, I am humbled by your Highness' power.
Sir, 8am, Saturday 20 August 2016.
I await your esteemed revealation of the COLOUR of Mdm Ho Ching's underwear tonight, with my greatest admiration and respect.
I bessech your forgiveness, for I have been rude, crass to you, and foolishly doubted your OBE skills. As such, in addition to the 3 incentives as earlier listed above to you, (punishment to me), I am offerring you to have all my assets, and most importantly, I will pay for all expenses you may incur hereinafter, in holding any waist of women, of any ages, size, nationality, etc. (NEW INCENTIVE). If need be, I can rob GUCCI, LV or any stores that you command me to, so that these women who you have held, have a bag of which they desire. (NEW INCENTIVE).
Last, but not least, Sir, you can also have my grandmother, mother, sister and wife too. You can do what you want whatsoever to them, just like what ISIS have done to their captives. (NEW INCENTIVE).
Sir, I await your enlightened revealation of the COLOUR from your most important OBE experience of your life. Good luck and sweet dreams, Your Honour.
I wish you every success in your OBE endeavour.
Yours faithfully