Because they know how to hold themselves high and what is at stake for Singapore.
It is the only the losers, the lay abouts, the idlers and those mediocre
ones that are annoyed by FTs.
So the one and only pastime in their life now is:
Whine whole day. Bitch whole day. Bawl whole day.
Beat chest and tear hair in frustration and unjustified fear.
It is a sign of their inadequacy and inability to cope with change.
Their unwillingness to accept change. Inevitable change.
Because change involves thinking.
And THINKING is hard for them.
It is the only the losers, the lay abouts, the idlers and those mediocre
ones that are annoyed by FTs.
So the one and only pastime in their life now is:
Whine whole day. Bitch whole day. Bawl whole day.
Beat chest and tear hair in frustration and unjustified fear.
It is a sign of their inadequacy and inability to cope with change.
Their unwillingness to accept change. Inevitable change.
Because change involves thinking.
And THINKING is hard for them.