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slutty wife of my housemate's colleague


last time, my housemate guy colleague invited her and me to their house for dinner. i know it's their home so they can wear what they like but my housemate fren's wife was like in an super loose blouse and super short shorts. then when she served dinner, she bend here and there and can see her pink bra and half ball inside and straightaway, i felt sensations in my kkj. knn, then dinner she sat in front of me, and she's got a cfm look. i really found it difficult to talk properly that night ... then when dinner over and on the way home in my housemate's car, housemate asked me why i not myself during dinner..i told my housemate that her guy colleague's wife is slutty. housemate then teased me said i am easily sexed up by pretty women and said i should learn how to control my sexual desires. then she said how come she's at my home dressed like that i never get all sexed up. then I told her she's different, then she got offended and asked do i mean that she isn't pretty enough for me. i say no lah and changed conversation topic...


last time, my housemate guy colleague invited her and me to their house for dinner. i know it's their home so they can wear what they like but my housemate fren's wife was like in an super loose blouse and super short shorts. then when she served dinner, she bend here and there and can see her pink bra and half ball inside and straightaway, i felt sensations in my kkj. knn, then dinner she sat in front of me, and she's got a cfm look. i really found it difficult to talk properly that night ... then when dinner over and on the way home in my housemate's car, housemate asked me why i not myself during dinner..i told my housemate that her guy colleague's wife is slutty. housemate then teased me said i am easily sexed up by pretty women and said i should learn how to control my sexual desires. then she said how come she's at my home dressed like that i never get all sexed up. then I told her she's different, then she got offended and asked do i mean that she isn't pretty enough for me. i say no lah and changed conversation topic...
Got wear bra already considered decent .. unlike one who did not wear bra and got peep by neighbour
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last time, my housemate guy colleague invited her and me to their house for dinner. i know it's their home so they can wear what they like but my housemate fren's wife was like in an super loose blouse and super short shorts. then when she served dinner, she bend here and there and can see her pink bra and half ball inside and straightaway, i felt sensations in my kkj. knn, then dinner she sat in front of me, and she's got a cfm look. i really found it difficult to talk properly that night ... then when dinner over and on the way home in my housemate's car, housemate asked me why i not myself during dinner..i told my housemate that her guy colleague's wife is slutty. housemate then teased me said i am easily sexed up by pretty women and said i should learn how to control my sexual desires. then she said how come she's at my home dressed like that i never get all sexed up. then I told her she's different, then she got offended and asked do i mean that she isn't pretty enough for me. i say no lah and changed conversation topic...
Go ask your SELF ADMITTED DIRTY SLUT Cantonese chicken mother that open leg big big gave birth no teach raised you bastard criminal bully hide in rat hole smear and persecute hokkien virgin as chicken by starting and upping chicken slut whore mistress threads at all times everyday to target me Pui!


last time, my housemate guy colleague invited her and me to their house for dinner. i know it's their home so they can wear what they like but my housemate fren's wife was like in an super loose blouse and super short shorts. then when she served dinner, she bend here and there and can see her pink bra and half ball inside and straightaway, i felt sensations in my kkj. knn, then dinner she sat in front of me, and she's got a cfm look. i really found it difficult to talk properly that night ... then when dinner over and on the way home in my housemate's car, housemate asked me why i not myself during dinner..i told my housemate that her guy colleague's wife is slutty. housemate then teased me said i am easily sexed up by pretty women and said i should learn how to control my sexual desires. then she said how come she's at my home dressed like that i never get all sexed up. then I told her she's different, then she got offended and asked do i mean that she isn't pretty enough for me. i say no lah and changed conversation topic...

They definitely sound like a swinging couple. But I strongly advice you not to fuck other people's wives, because karma is a bitch. Unless you are into swinging as well.
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