This FRI 13th supposed to be a LUCKY one instead - a three lucky Dragon one ?????
Co-incidentally also the 1st of my 2 free room nights at MBS for April
Checked-in before 3pm - got Sea View Premier Room on 8th Floor Tower 2
Nowadays if want City View Room - need to pay $50 - what for ?
If want Club Room - need to top up another over $200+++ - maybe only for Special Occasions
My friend said - STILL got FREE Room even tho' inactive since last CNY Casino visit in Jan - last MBS Trip was for complimentary Wakin Chau concert in March and I didn't even go into casino then - don't complain and ask for better/higher-floor etc room MAI HIAM .....


[Btw - just read email on complimentary Sun 29/4 Mediacorp thingy - waiting for friend to say whether she keen or not before calling to claim]
I only started after paying Single Trip Levy just before 5pm (with brief dinner break from 7.30pm at Food Court with friend) - for the whole of Fri night AND Sat till about 6am+ - ONLY played 2 types slots - the Silver&Gold/Diamonds&Roses slots and the Wheel of Fortune WOF slots at smoking B1
My capital was $1,100 - divided into $400 + $350 + $350 stacks
Told myself to be VERY disciplined
Slowly and steadily - with usual Ups & Downs - managed to grow my 1st $400 stack to over $600 ticket
Then started on 2nd $350 stack etc etc etc
Shifted over to WOF Slots from 10-11pm AND stayed glued there until after 6am Sat [with bladder uncomfortably full & feet/body all cramped & right wrist painful from the hard pressing :o

Before 12 midnite - got 2 $100+ GREEN Wins and my 1st of 3 $500+ REDs
That night managed to win more than 7-9x GREEN and 3x RED
Combined my ticket and printed out over $1,600 ticket - so profits $500-100 levy = $400++
Went to cashier to change the 100s into $50 bills etc ....
Kept $1,200 aside & SMSed friend to have dimsum b/f at Jin Shan later (she changed to brunch /after checkout instead)
Still have remaining balance capital + profits
- that's when I went crazy/blur - SHOULD have gone back to room to SLEEP but Idiot Me seeing that 5K 722 slot {these slots have been moved over to RHS of Silver&Gold slots nearer to Entrance Wall} was Finally Free/Unoccupied, so sat and played BUT 722 now no longer 'good' - no matter how I played the winnings only STAYED at $100-200 level and NOT more
Got fed-up and moved over behind - chose WRONG Crown of Egypt COE Slot

Stupid end slot refused to give any Bonus Games even tho'I dumped several hundreds into it

The Silver&Gold slots and WOF on Sat AM also no longer 'good'
So wondered here & there - tried a couple of the CashExpress slots etc - not good (as expected)
By this time , already dipping into my retained $1,200 sum


Managed to recoup a couple of last-minute $100 back from Kia's fav 5D (5c) and my fav 2c 5K near Fatt Choi Area
End Result : LOSS - of at least half original capital [my own stupid fault !!!!!]
Ah well - since I targetted only certain slots and these 2 slots happened to be 'quite good as still paying more than what they take in' - had FUN while still growing capital SLOWLY
IF ONLY I didn't go 'crazy' from 6.30 am and went on Crazy While Spree losing my profits etc ..... I know what to do next Fri 20/4 when I do 2nd-free room checkin - MUST MUST MUST stick with my original Disciplined Play Plan :o:p
Next Fri I'll also be meeting up with several old friends for tea - probably at TWG
After my next Sat checkout - will be going for my spa facial & massage

Life is short - must enjoy as much as possible
Sighzzz .... still can't convince friend to go with me for low-season Virgo Cruise using RWS Gps :(