Since you can't sleep over it.....
What is a PM? Of course you can seek approval from whoever to make known of his/her/heshe message, than what for PM? By doing that, you mean you got lots of supporters? Than I also will copy and paste all my PM that I received except this cb Kia alamak1ng, cb guniang, no balls type blocking his or chao ah gua PM box.
Integrity, you can understand? Aiya you won't understand one, got things happen, every mother father nicks also let you pull in, you this type, outside we call 25kia, chow Kia.....
You will have no friends one, that's why you keep coming to cyber world to post....
Come to my seven month ghost la, I treat you abalone, bid a fish Buddha for you also, maybe your life will be enlighten.
No where in your reply above
can I link your previous "... you are gone case, cannot be trust type of person" still
BTW - it's NOT that I lost any sleep there
Just very very curious
I had ALREADY very clearly stated my purpose for reproducing/showing the CHAT Messages [not PMs] then
- to CONTRAST and show how REASONABLE PPL with EQ view the situation here
It is so funny - you bring up INTEGRITY here

But I won't waste time here
As you'll simply do your usual TWISTING etc ......
I have no friends meh ?

So you really didn't read the 'irrelevant bits' of my long posts then
Of my meeting up with my friends ... arranging Hen Parties or Birthday Dos and Staycations, Scone Parties, Foodie Meetings, Travelling Companions... etc etc etc ..... you're FREE to think whatever you wish here but I think you are ALWAYS making WRONG Assumptions all the time !
Yalor .... I'm now doing very much less trading these days (not so keen on it anymore) n also spa visits very much reduced as too hot to venture out .....
so am pretty free to go to cyberworld - to read my favourite forums etc .......
I like my present "as good as being retired" life-style except for the now "unstable income" :p
Thanks but NO Thanks for your kind invitation
As a Christian [even tho' not a very devout one] I don't ever go for these Buddhist-type 7th Month Functions as I also don't need to unlike Christian MPs for political/'work' reasons AND also because I've got a VERY sensitive nose and can't tahan those smoke etc from the incense joss sticks etc ......
My mom will kill me IF I ever partake in Buddhist-prayed-before food and such there .... even at those rare times when we had to participate in non-Christian funeral rites we skipped touching the food and holding joss sticks etc at my maternal great grandma's and other relatives' funerals [my paternal side are all Christians - so glad my maternal grandma very zidong and converted to Christianity when she came over and stayed with us]
Hmmm ... really got such thing as Fish Buddha meh ? Interesting ......
But I wish you and all 7th Month Goers All the Best on Your Events ! Religious Harmony hor .......
Talking about Fish Buddha - if such really exist !
Suddenly remembered Casino Trips where I had purposely gone to buy 'religious'/lucky Lotus flower {on friend's recommendation} and once where I'd used a new painted-on Fish+Lotus Tote Bag ... those 2 trips were among my Worst LOSS Trips ever !!!
SO - I think for Gambling - CANNOT bring anything-connected-with-religion into the casino to act as some Luck Emblems Amulets Symbols etc
Feel that Gambling and Religion just DO NOT go together
Afterall RELIGION [whether Buddhism, Christianity etc] always have their Don't Be Greedy Be Contented [ie Don't Gamble] Messages - correct ???
Has anyone here ever found the "religious items" working in their favour for Casino Wins ???
If so, I must go and dig out my Christian crosses etc .......
I stopped wearing these long time back as found so 'leychey' when bathing/washing hair and matching other accessories [in THOSE days when I still bothered here]
That's ALSO WHY I much much prefer FENG SHUI
To do with Wind Water or Energies Chi ...... very UNIVERSAL & NEUTRAL