Caveat or Warning :
DON'T READ this FR - especially my 'foes' or 'my post-haters or those who HATE my posts'
I have tried to refrain from doing a blog-style FR - so the contents are Just Slot Play & Casino
BUT perhaps it is BEST that you AVOID reading this FR altogether - spare your eyes here
THIS FR/Post is only meant to be READ By Those WHO DO LIKE TO READ My Posts 
and NOT meant for HATERS of MY POSTS !
DON'T Make any Complaint or Find Fault should you nonetheless STILL choose to go ahead and read inspite of above warning !!!!
Nobody is asking you to bang your head against the wall etc etc etc ....... 
Nobody is asking you to 'torture yourself by reading my posts'
Nobody is asking you to take the risk of "Being Misled be me" as someone alleges or accuses me of so without any valid reason ....
My RWS FR (Wed 12/8/15) - should be shorter and sweeter from my usual (I think)
- only managed 1 pic but also not worth posting as win is too small even in my eyes
(In between [after 31/7/15 Hard Rock Staycation trip] skipped doing FR as nothing really significant or worth posting there)
Went in with $1,700 BR not including the $100 levy - after 12 noon (after my mxxxxxx etc - not supposed to be posting this so am refraining from posting this

No choice but to go RWS before the 72-hr deadline for my miserable 3-numbers matched to get that miserable really pathetic 50GDs !!!! :(
Headed straight for that 10c CC that gave >>20k Win in Orchid Room on 2/7/15, but it was occupied by a man who was the ONLY player in that 2nd series of 5 CCs along wall - so no choice and started at the 1st CC there, which only gave modest wins of BELOW a thousand - today I was playing the style of Switching Denominations 10c to 20c etc - 20c mostly at 25 and 50cr - ALL the CCs I touched today are NOT SMOOTH somehow ....BUT did have FUN slot play as it was NOT all 1-way street here !
When that uncle switched from "my" CC to the middle one, I switched over to it
The credits managed to grow to above a thousand dollars - highest was around $1,700 region
The uncle was shaking his head as BOTH of us had so many MISSES - somehow the central column kena sabo otherwise would have gotten some very beautiful FH stacked combinations etc !!! eg that sole TV must drop at that column to "block" an otherwise PERFECT Pattern etc .....
He DID get some good wins to bring his credits to Above $2k at one point but with cautious at most 50cr play he remained at the 1k+ level (even when I returned and walked back there after a long stretch of time)
This was simply NOT a day for playing 125cr on 10c denom as altho' I DID manage to get some Full House Fish, they were NOT Stacked Fish so the WINS were kinda pathetic !!!!
I DID do some 125cr play but quite pointless really .....
AND also it would seem that the FGs came more regularly when I played 25 or 50cr compared to the higher 75 or 125cr !
Then I made a MISTAKE in my play
During the time when I'd switched over to 5c denom from 20c or 10c denom
Somehow at one point I "miscalculated thinking that max 500 cr was $10 only" but it was actually $25 for 5c [not a 2c denom slot]
It was some time before I "realised the mistake" but too late, by then around $600++ left only
Even the uncle was 'surprised that I was hitting 500cr' ... I must have been dreaming/thinking of something else

When this slot failed to 'work its previous winning magic', I was as usual 'too stubborn to give it up and switch to another CC'
When I was finally left with very little BR, I called it a day with that CC and tried looking for another 'unoccupied' one
I played for a short while over at the LHS of Orchid Room
My previous "3k Unretained Win on 31/7 CC" - somehow when switching to new CCs the Initial Rounds are promising
I managed to grow that $100 or 2 to $600-800-900 [which I achieved quite a few times today esp with so-called last $50/$10 note etc too]
But it gets worse with longer play .... as usual Diminishing Returns rule here !
Today I used up quite a bit of my GDs too for slot play so am left with very little GDs now [maybe enough to pay for next 3D2N Hard Rock TopUp etc]
I was by then feeling hungry as haven't taken my lunch
SO told myself to stop and try the free buffet upstairs
Went to the members' kiosk and redeemed whatever [except the free Hotel Room in Sep as would want to claim 2N with more play for Aug]
So printed out the Free Happy 9 Buffet Voucher and the 3 Mega Lottery Slips - went to collect the Mega Cards as well as the pathetic 50 GDs won
By the time I went upstairs - the lunch buffet was over as past the 3pm timing
*** Guys btw IF I don't see and can print out this Free Buffet Voucher at the kiosk can I STILL get Free Buffets with the Maxims Card
ie simply by virtue that I now hold this Maxims Card ???? No need to play and earn any points to qualify for free buffets with Maxims Card ?
Can we go for 2 free buffets even if we hardly play in that 1 day - for Maxims Card holders ?
Gold Card still must play 1 GP before can get the free buffet isn't it - for only 1 or BOTH buffets ?
So since I'd missed the lunch buffet, only another 2 hrs to 5.30pm before the Dinner Buffet starts
Since I was upstairs already [more than 2 years since I was up there] I explored the place
The slots selection is STILL pathetic ... only ONE miserable occupied CC along wall after Happy 9 Dining Area
*** Bro Kanasai
Upstairs BEFORE they swipe your Gold/Maxims/etc card to Maxims Club, there are long Lounge Settee/Sofa that can seat quite a few people along the wall there - should be quite a comfortable relaxing area as it is NOT too bright an area with dimmed lighting [BUT too much going-on there ?]
Inside, the couple of Lounge Chairs are placed in a Too Open area in the centre of things - I think meant only for drinks and not really for real relaxation
I only peered from outside the Maxims Platinum etc Area/Room - saw some slots and tables there
After going back down, I went to do just 1 modest ATM WD for this short trip !!! [very good girl here today]
As the credited 50 GDs was really really pathetic, I withdrew about 700
For today my total cash BR was thus $1,700+$700 withdrawn+$100++ in my wallet=$2,500++
GDs in Card = 50 won in Sunday Mega Draw + $400-500 used = $550 ?
Total Loss = 3k for the day
I went to Vanda Room and noticed that there are now 2 and not 1 CC side by side just next to Drink Area Small Lounge Glass Door
Only managed to play the end CC [not sure if this was my Wonder VR CC or not as I didn't bother to note down serial numbers] as the 'central slot' CC was occupied.
Also No Good during the short time I played it !
So went back to Orchid Room and the 10 CCs along the wall were all occupied
Walked further down and saw that the end CC next to a HIV was unoccupied
This CC gave me some Nice Play
At 20c denom could grow Few Times my $100 notes - once even as high as almost 1k
Behind me where there are 4 CCs then a HIV etc my 3rd Fav CC was behaving well for this Indian player with its many frequent FGs etc while the 3rd player beside him managed to get 5 TVs [I too got 5 TVs once] who told the rest there those 5 TVs won't be entitled to any multiplier.
But again, since the wins were 'small', difficult to retain with longer play
Then switched over to the 1st end unoccupied CC behind but this gave horrible play
Also played very briefly at the 5th CC in the 1st Series of 5 CCs at wall as this was ALSO terrible
Then managed to find that 'previous 3k win CC on LHS corner' unoccupied
Played this CC until almost 5.30pm - stopped and went upstairs to Happy 9 for the free dinner buffet with printed voucher
Mee Goreng & Soup of the day was Peanut Red Date & Pork Rib Soup {I LIKE the Hot Peanut Soup and had 2nd Serving}
Sweet & Sour Chicken, Kai Lan (was bitter), a bit of curry veg, Whole Shrimp [lazy - so just broke head away with fork and bit though shell instead of using fingers to de-shell the prawns) - No Rice or porridge for me
Didn't touch the other dishes such as the tofu, salad or pathetic dessert of 2 cake selections
I guess if you are not too fussy, std is not fantastic but acceptable lor ....
Anyway I'm happy with the Hot Peanut Soup and the fresh Whole Shrimp which were quite a nice size (not too small)
Briefly played one of the Smoking Area's 3 CCs ... but usual lack-lustre play here too
Had thought of playing 'Kia's Premium Slot CC' after my early dinner-late lunch but it was occupied
(Bros - are the 3 other CCs there in "Previous Premium" Area any good and worth playing ?)
Hesitated on playing the Turn of Chance slot next to that CC
- as unlikely to behave as previously when it gave over 1k with my 1st note and 'saved' me .....
The CC (with the HIV) outside the PS area was occupied
This time BOTH the side-by-side CCs were occupied in VR
So I played the one CC behind - near the entrance to toilet
AGAIN this was another CC that could grow my initial notes quite well
BUT still again only at BELOW 1k levels so very easily lost again
With my LAST $50 note, grew that to $300, then to $500 but eventually all gone too
SO again another LOSS TRIP but of 3k region - with only ONE modest ATM WD !
Considered 'smaller loss' when compared with my bigger losses
But then today's trip is pretty short and NOT my usual over-nighter - overall less than 7 hours [minus 1 hr makan etc time]
Guess IF I had stopped earlier maybe at 3 or 5pm ... wouldn't have sustained the extra $700 (ATM) + $200+GDs = $900++ further loss
Now wondering whether I should make the effort to wake up early as still got unexpired levy
But only worth gong RWS if the CC slots were to behave miles better than what they did today
(Actually today isn't a slated Good Day but had to redeem that miserable pathetic Mega Win
I have 2 Good Days this weekend and next week - but want to save my miserable BR for the lucky days at next staycation when xxxx xxxxx xxxx etc)
In THIS FR - I have actually refrained from doing my usual blog-style post
[At most only a couple of lines with xxxx xxx etc and in convenient brackets]
As you can see
THIS FR is all about my slot play and everything to do with the casino ONLY - the Free Happy 9 Buffet and Lounge Areas ......
So unreasonable Fault-finding Nit-Pickers don't have any legitimate reason to complain and find fault again
- especially if they STILL CHOOSE to go ahead and READ despite the warning !!!!