OK EVERY DAY I've got to face QSH's twisted allegations [like above] and nasty attacks
What to do if got such SICKOs here - as he said WE can't control such
Just WHO is the one who wants to "come play one' huh ?
Just look at the highlighted/underlined bits of his posts - so telling !
I'm sure those with discerning eyes should be able to SEE clearly and not be taken in by QSH's many many smokescreens & twisted posts !
QSH doesn't know he has exposed HIS true ulterior improper motives from his 'illogical personal attack' postings here
He TWISTS everything
In one post he says the Casinos have been open 5 years already so no need to Ask Questions
What about Updating ourselves with any Changes or finding out on things we don't know or could have forgotten etc ?
In another post he acknowledges that things do change over time !!!!!
Such a TWISTED mind with his Twisted Posts !!!!
Right - quoted below is the sequence of posts commencing from my very valid enquiry on the Maxims Card Point/Dollar-Earning speed
Just WHO is the one JUMPING to attack me using that Maxims Card post [or non-stop illogical Fault-finding using my other posts]
OK EVERY DAY I've got to face QSH's twisted allegations [like above] and nasty attacks
What to do if got such SICKOs here - as he said WE can't control such
Just WHO is the one who wants to "come play one' huh ?
Just look at the highlighted/underlined bits of his posts - so telling !
I'm sure those with discerning eyes should be able to SEE clearly and not be taken in by QSH's many many smokescreens & twisted posts !
QSH doesn't know he has exposed HIS true ulterior improper motives from his 'illogical personal attack' postings here
He TWISTS everything
In one post he says the Casinos have been open 5 years already so no need to Ask Questions
What about Updating ourselves with any Changes or finding out on things we don't know or could have forgotten etc ?
In another post he acknowledges that things do change over time !!!!!
Such a TWISTED mind with his Twisted Posts !!!!
Right - quoted below is the sequence of posts commencing from my very valid enquiry on the Maxims Card Point/Dollar-Earning speed
Just WHO is the one JUMPING to attack me using that Maxims Card post [or non-stop illogical Fault-finding using my other posts]
I'll be checking with boss Sam shortly [maybe these 1-2 days] on whether you are really a mod here
See how long your nonsense vulgarity & intimidating threats can go on ........
Already told you I WON'T recognise such an unreliable poll
For clarity
MUST also show the voter's names etc as a Separate Post by that voter in that thread
In order to know that they ARE indeed the actual bros here
as could simply be YOUR trolls and cronies only
I CAN'T believe any reasonable person in their right mind will vote for YOU !
(Or be so disloyal turning their backs on me etc)
Boss your father la!!!!!
Knn, scary, can pinpoint all kind of posts, Nabey, bye.....
Am pleased to submit an extremely favourable RWS FR on my Thurs 2/7 overnight trip
I just carried out MY usual Fish Fengshui practices [NO praying to fish god (??), sea salt in bra etc etc]
Had my blue fish net in handbag AND also the Green Lemon Hand Gel [but NO need to use gel at all as my luck was pretty good overall]
MY BR was $2k [1st tier] + $1.5k [Standby tier] - but only touched less than 1st tier 2k, maybe about 1.4k region only
Conditions were such that the 3 Cash Coves [2 in Orchid Room and final one my previous Highlight CC near toilet in VR] I played yesterday & this morning were very kind to me [especially the 2nd middle CC] and I managed to win & retain over 20k profit - my HIGHEST so far !
I guess the powers above are displaying their benevolence/pity on this still-jobless retrenched poor soul
Now 2+ months' worth of expenses etc taken care of "earned" .... phew ..
I wore my usual 'lucky blue wavy top' and a matching shade blue bra [btw blue is lucky in fengshui terms representing water=money etc....]
I took the Sentosa Express tram instead of the RWS 8 bus - 2nd time doing this
I avoided the VR and headed straight for the central vacant Trio CCs in the corner after using the toilet ....
I must say yesterday the 3 CCs I played - that 1st CC was the 'worst; in the sense that the fish alignment was totally quite OFF
But no matter how bad, somehow it still gave enough Small Wins to enable me to carry on and I remain STUCK there despite telling myself that I Must STOP and SHIFT to another CC [unlike my MBS Bad CC experiences when playing the CCs were just sheer total frustration the last 2 final trips]
It was only after I had finished off my 1st 1k at that CC that I FINALLY moved away [Stubborn old me as usual...3 hrs ?]
I settled at 1 of the 2 vacant CCs at that stretch of 5 CCs along the wall
I switched most of the time from 5c to 10c denomination [as easiest calculation] altho' I also played up to 50c denomination too [at 25cr bet only]
THAT was my Highlight CC that Thursday night [altho' also played briefly its corner neighbour]
Had many many good winning combinations that gave >>1k-2k+ - 3k++ wins each time
Beautiful play - Straight GROWTH with the usual UPs & DOWNS [down 1-2k to grow to 4k and more pattern] ......
Had great bladder control and ate the served Nasi Lemak dinner [tho' declined the Curry Puff supper] while still playing ....
Didn't take any photos [before phone battery died on me] as not convenient to do so
But did snap the 3 Titos I had [with one handpay] tally still below 20k then - around midnite or so I think
I cashed out 14k at the Cashier [plus 3k+ at machine] maybe around 3-4 am ?
Then checked on my promotions etc
June ETR Voucher + Scratch Cards .....
Bros - any of you has spare cards with the "J" icon for me for exchange etc
Pls let me know - I only have LOTS of "G" & "H" - NO "J" !!!!!
I then decided NOT to leave for home yet altho' my contact lenses were very very dry & uncomfortable then
The previous Premium Slots Area - saw a couple of 2c "Chinese" CCs and ONLY 1 Lone Player at bro Kia's CC
I went back to the VR and the guy sitting at MY Highlght VR CC asked whether I wanted to play as he was just sitting there watching his PRC wife playing at the next CC [I thought he was going to play that CC when I popped by earlier]
Wow that CC must have been waiting for me
Seems like from the word go - with 1st $100, managed some good combinations
Grew that to a few Ks until all lost
With my 2nd $100, managed to secure/retain the wins with ultra-long UPs & DOWNs
Highest obtained was 8k, then dropped to below 6k-5k, called a stop after reaching 7k again [could feel machine was 'struggling' at times]
By then feeling sleepy, end tally was >>20k profits !
Not in the mood to redeem free 1GP buffet or to try the Wing Choi HK eats
Went to Cedele for my sandwich & soup set and tookaway their Carrot [the BEST !] & Red Velvet cake slices !
THAT is the kind of winning FR I love [with at least one handpay ]
The powers-that-be : pls continue to bless me with bountiful blessings & $$$$
Hope I chalk up the shortfall points needed for 2N RWS Stay in August at my next July trip - likely the Fri 19 Jul Draw ?
Bro hokkien whahahaha......Limpeh like your postGive you a like
I keep telling you people I have NOTHING at all to do with this Bureau
He is not my clone - I have ZERO clones as I don't believe in such
I don't even know who he is - whether foe or friend etc ......
RWS VR Enquiry :
Have read some posts where bros including kia said that a standalone CC in a corner near the DFDC was pretty good
Now - has this CC been shifted away to some other position in VR
I don't see any corner CC near the DFDC at all [or was I blind ?]
fuck u suaychee...
stop your suay post.
u making everyone suay
suaychee suay chee lao suaychee.You "Far Sarn Keng" lah !!!!
Nothing good will come from your cursing others
Karma karma karma karma karma
Is that the spoken/written word or action of a sensible right-thinking grown up ?
Should just IGNORE you from now on .....
From all reasoning the one to disappear should not be me
After all
1. I started this thread almost 5 years back - way before troublesome vulgar pests & troublemakers made their way here
2. I was the one who took the effort to salvage (save) this thread when its lifespan was threatened
3. Other than these minority troublemakers, the majority of bros here enjoy our time here and are polite and civil practising Mutual Respect & Tolerance towards each other even tho' they might not like/agree with certain posts (relevant or not)
Those who SHOULD disappear are those who just don't know How to Behave themselves as reasonable polite grown ups - who are forever cursing others thereby spoiling their own karma and luck and putting the blame for such unreasonably on me instead