Ok, 1 time shoot 2.....
Sorry but I'm supposed to be Stupid & Slow etc ....
But is that above statement a sarcastic one - and pertaining to MY doing some "shooting of someone or 2" or what ?
*** Bro Slotloser pls note that I'm NOT putting any blame on you etc for going back to your earlier Handpay post - I really am NOT such a small-minded petty one like some others here
Hmmm ... dunno WHY ... but some people make me SO defensive etc .....
In US, anything above $1k in machine payout will subject to their US taxation, currently is something like 30% of the winning will be hold for tax.....
So not to be happy when you hit a "handpay" in US, those UTube clip are very misleading, is just like our this siao char bor, thrill, excited, looking forward for BIG MONEY, share of their big hit, but will feel painful for taxation......UNDERSTAND BO!!!!
Sometime I really wonder, TS is it working for our 2IR, Nabey painting such a good picture for both of them, money like water like that, SHARE? YOU SHARE KI LAN!!!!! Most time asking or begging people which machines good, never for once I see you SHARE the momentum of each individual machine like bro Kia did last time.....
Most time, boasting about your points la, redeem la, you tell us frankly, you work for our IR is it? Don't knn mislead our forumers here, bringing them to HOLLAND.....GO READ OTHER FORUMERS ABOUT FOREIGN CASINO, DO I NEED TO SAY MORE ABOUT OUR IR, YOU MORON.....only you DREAM BIG IN OUR CASINO.....
1. Singapore Taxation laws are very different from US Taxation laws
(That's why some US residents/citizens like to migrate to Singapore)
As far as I know, Windfall/Lottery Winnings are NOT subject to SG taxes for the winners
Singapore also does not tax on capital appreciation or on investments/shares/insurance - correct any SG Taxation Experts here ?
2. Of course I don't work for the 2 IRs - else I WON'T even be allowed to play slots there
I have been posting that I got retrenched etc ... so how can I be working for anyone now except for myself ?
Didn't you read my recent complaints of MBS sending me to the Cold Chamber - neglecting me and not giving any free rooms etc etc ???
3. Is it a crime to 'ask (beg ??)' other slotters WHICH are the better machines to play ?
What is wrong with that ?
If don't want to spill the beans, nobody putting a gun at your head there
Afterall, we well know that even so-called-good-machines DON'T act good all the time ... common sense !
I am NOT selfish - I've been READILY & VOLUNTARILY [without anyone asking] stating the Better Slots that I've been playing even putting down the EXACT LOCATION & SERIAL NUMBER of EACH good machine that I've touched [nowadays I DON'T bother to note down such numbers anymore]
YOUR Eyes must have kena GIANT Discrimination Stamp - to only be able to read 'the momentum of each individual machine' from only bro Kia's posts
FYI - I have had LOTS of Forum Readers telling me THEY really enjoy reading MY posts as they can relate & feel like they were there in the casino itself etc - tho' of course I don't expect everyone to be my fan/friend but surely there's no need for such irrational HATE/STRONG DISLIKE here is there ?

4. Sorry if my frank disclosures [or posting style] gave you the idea that I was BOASTING or being ARROGANT etc - I'm really really NOT !!!
My healthy ego has no time for such things - got better things to do .....
So I'm simply SHARING/updating on the Point Redemptions etc etc ....
Like that also can take offence - I really don't know what to say

5. WHERE I got MISLEAD etc ?
I'm already being SO SO OPEN & FRANK (more than I should be)
I report on BOTH my Heavy Losses as well as sporadic RETAINED Wins/Big Win FRs
- have already said I lost far much more than the 'comparatively much smaller Wins' etc
That Slot-playing is an EXPENSIVE Indulgence - must play within our limits etc etc etc
I myself have done several Self-Bans from the casinos when I don't have the funds for BR/playing capital
(tho' I like to think of myself as being CREATIVE - when I SWITCH my funds around in order to come up with the playing BR when the slot urge is too strong hahahaha :p )
BUT my personal TREATMENT OF MONEY is a very personal individual thing
Yes - I DO tend to treat Money like Water - cannot meh ???
My philosophy : You can't bring money with you when you die etc
These days so easy to kena cancer etc - much better to ENJOY LIFE FIRST before it's too late [kiasu]
I like to YOLO - Carpe Diem - etc .... even to the extent of enjoying Future Money [which is very bad]
Yes - I'm NOT Financially-Prudent ... so ??? I like to spend money in MY Own Way & Place etc .... :p
This Moron DOES have the usual DREAMS like everyone else - of Toto / Big Sweep / Casino / WINDFALL ?? - cannot meh ???
So I cannot have these usual Windfall Dreams meh ?????
WHY must Target & PICK on me - WHY WHY WHY ?????? :(