Am pleased to submit an extremely favourable RWS FR on my Thurs 2/7 overnight trip
I just carried out MY usual Fish Fengshui practices [NO praying to fish god (??), sea salt in bra etc etc]
Had my blue fish net in handbag AND also the Green Lemon Hand Gel [but NO need to use gel at all as my luck was pretty good overall]
MY BR was $2k [1st tier] + $1.5k [Standby tier] - but only touched less than 1st tier 2k, maybe about 1.4k region only
Conditions were such that the 3 Cash Coves [2 in Orchid Room and final one my previous Highlight CC near toilet in VR] I played yesterday & this morning were very kind to me [especially the 2nd middle CC] and I managed to win & retain over 20k profit - my HIGHEST so far !
I guess the powers above are displaying their benevolence/pity on this still-jobless retrenched poor soul
Now 2+ months' worth of expenses etc taken care of "earned" .... phew ..

I wore my usual 'lucky blue wavy top' and a matching shade blue bra [btw blue is lucky in fengshui terms representing water=money etc....]
I took the Sentosa Express tram instead of the RWS 8 bus - 2nd time doing this
I avoided the VR and headed straight for the central vacant Trio CCs in the corner after using the toilet ....
I must say yesterday the 3 CCs I played - that 1st CC was the 'worst; in the sense that the fish alignment was totally quite OFF
But no matter how bad, somehow it still gave enough Small Wins to enable me to carry on and I remain STUCK there despite telling myself that I Must STOP and SHIFT to another CC [unlike my MBS Bad CC experiences when playing the CCs were just sheer total frustration the last 2 final trips]
It was only after I had finished off my 1st 1k at that CC that I FINALLY moved away [Stubborn old me as usual...3 hrs ?]
I settled at 1 of the 2 vacant CCs at that stretch of 5 CCs along the wall
I switched most of the time from 5c to 10c denomination [as easiest calculation] altho' I also played up to 50c denomination too [at 25cr bet only]
THAT was my Highlight CC that Thursday night [altho' also played briefly its corner neighbour]
Had many many good winning combinations that gave >>1k-2k+ - 3k++ wins each time
Beautiful play - Straight GROWTH with the usual UPs & DOWNS [down 1-2k to grow to 4k and more pattern] ......
Had great bladder control and ate the served Nasi Lemak dinner [tho' declined the Curry Puff supper] while still playing ....
Didn't take any photos [before phone battery died on me] as not convenient to do so
But did snap the 3 Titos I had [with one handpay] tally still below 20k then - around midnite or so I think
I cashed out 14k at the Cashier [plus 3k+ at machine] maybe around 3-4 am ?
Then checked on my promotions etc
June ETR Voucher +
Scratch Cards .....
Bros - any of you has spare cards with the "J" icon for me for exchange etc
Pls let me know - I only have LOTS of "G" & "H" - NO "J" !!!!!
I then decided NOT to leave for home yet altho' my contact lenses were very very dry & uncomfortable then
The previous Premium Slots Area - saw a couple of 2c "Chinese" CCs and ONLY 1 Lone Player at bro Kia's CC
I went back to the VR and the guy sitting at MY Highlght VR CC asked whether I wanted to play as he was just sitting there watching his PRC wife playing at the next CC [I thought he was going to play that CC when I popped by earlier]
Wow that CC must have been waiting for me
Seems like from the word go - with 1st $100, managed some good combinations
Grew that to a few Ks until all lost
With my 2nd $100, managed to secure/retain the wins with ultra-long UPs & DOWNs
Highest obtained was 8k, then dropped to below 6k-5k, called a stop after reaching 7k again [could feel machine was 'struggling' at times]
By then feeling sleepy, end tally was >>20k profits !
Not in the mood to redeem free 1GP buffet or to try the Wing Choi HK eats
Went to Cedele for my sandwich & soup set and tookaway their Carrot [the BEST !] & Red Velvet cake slices !
THAT is the kind of winning FR I love [with at least one handpay

The powers-that-be : pls continue to bless me with bountiful blessings & $$$$
Hope I chalk up the shortfall points needed for 2N RWS Stay in August at my next July trip - likely the Fri 19 Jul Draw ?