How is everyone slots play?

few days quiet liao
I've got to be a good girl - on longer own self-ban as staying away as much as possible as "No Money No Talk"
[tho' I still have around unspent balance 2k+ from retained 20/2 CNY Win ...] :p
Also kept busy trying hard to make enough money from my CFD trading - got bills to pay ...
Hmmm somehow recently NOT like at the beginning when it was quite easy & fast to make some Fast Bucks from the markets !
Stupid SG Market really bad as hardly moving [funds stuck as couldn't close most positions now - somehow have not done any serious shorting of the SG Mkt here yet but conditions are not good for shorting the SG Mkt on the whole]
So these days I've been either Shorting or Longing the Hang Seng Index and Wall Street Index instead - earning HKD in the day and USD well into the night sometimes - the other night I did 2 rounds of DJ Shorting as more-or-less continued free fall seen - but MUST have nerves of steel here (plus a little patience during the fluctuations which can be frustrating and leaves you guessing on the direction ) !!!
[I decided to give up trading the Shanghai Index as not allowed to short can only long]
- there is enough 'variance or difference' in these 2 Indices to do reasonable trading [just do a 'reversal' if Initial Start was wrong etc can even add on more positions if there is still available credit etc ]
These days I try to do Intraday or shorter 1-3 day Trading rather than longer time-frames of 5-21 days
- usually I find that I have to 'hold' the long positions for much longer time-frame than expected [bc it went Down instead of Up ....]
But nowadays I'll sacrifice 'some losses and still close the losing positions even tho' it is CFD as I want the credit freed up for me to do more exciting moving trades on the indices
I have adjusted my trading strategy : No more endless hold and hold till the cows come home etc .....
Far better to Cut and Switch to trade something else that is volatile & moving - to SEE the money being earned/made !!!
Also since my MBS Staycation is pushed back by another week, guess any casino entry will also be similarly pushed back
(Kinda chicken to use my miserable profit balance BR to play BEFORE the staycation - sekali IF lose all & more, then really have "No Extra Funds that can be lost" for the likely casino visit during the staycation ... ) Sighzzzz ... how come not ME for the Toto or Big Sweep [only got the 2D prizes ??!!!]
IF No Spare Money = No Casino .... simple !
No 2 ways about that - in my current situation
Otherwise if still with job income etc ... no worries : as got More Avenues available to me then [now exploited practically everything exploitable ... ]
[I have to wait another 2 years before my Endowment Policy matures - for the cash there :o so patience needed .... ]
BTW for my Cash Cove fish play
Instead of a 'Fish Cloth' Top, besides the Shark-shaped sweets & Fish-net, have got myself a cute little bag with fish+dolphin design from chanced online shopping

Hahaha - for fun - going 'all out' as much as feasible to attract/catch those fish to me - need a really HUGE Catch !!!
The powers that be - be kind and let me touch the Right-Timing Cash Coves on my casino visits