Final Field report for 2015 (RWS)
Part 1
I decided to go to rws after flipping a coin.. early this mth...
bring only 1k BR minus levy and taxi..
I immediately rush to orchid to go for dude HIV at 1pm...
It was taken by 1 uncle.. so i try the hiv/cc/
By pressing only $1 per spin (2c 50c) I thought can play the whole day...
Same problem like JAN... mostly 15fg... cap fg is 60 (rarely come)
it only 2 1/2hrs my $500 finished... During this 2 1/2hrs The left & right hiv..
did badly as well.. and the cc beside me.. no fishes come at all... So i only can say..
this row is dead...
I withdraw out and disappoint to see the dude hiv is still taken...i left orchid to look for
2nd dude hiv outside premium.. with only $400 left and watch now is 3.30pm..
Sad to say.. it also taken... Instead i try the 2 HIV at the back as no 1 is playing...
$200 each.. same bet.. same outcome.. 15fg only... fg to fg very long.... during fg...
never before see Fullhouse... even 2 scatters also RARE... winning from the fg.. all return back...
insert new notes then can get new fg.. cannot play already... impossible to win
BR all finished... watch show 5pm.... Decided to go ATM another $450...
Straight return back to orchid.. dude hiv still unavailable.. this time try the cc/
Thinking can monitor the dude hiv at the same time.. once the person left can withdraw and run over...
Try play cautious.. but no use... same outcome.. cannot fight back at all...
Just when i playing this hiv, the 2 cc is on FG fury... keep on coming and had retriggers... and the uncle on the
left actually max bet @ $10 per spin... and it did not take long when he strike a row of blue fishes winning 3-4k!!
He left to encash $$$ come back 1st spin max bet.. FG come.. and the FH A x? reward him another 7k!! my eyes big big..
this time withdraw and nv return.. I made up my mind.. and took over his place... I insert $50 inside (My wallet left $100)
press $1 per spin... Thinking it do or die...last chance already, if lose then go home.. not withdrawing $$ again..
It been so long since i last play cc... and the feeling like come back already... everytime my $50 drop to $25.. sure got FH A/Q/J
or yellow fishes come and save me.. and let my $$$ bounce back again.. i recall my $50 like playing a v v v long time.. suddenly this
screen pop up....
Am sooo happy and then i start hitting 75c..
this happen shortly...!