yday at dfdc 5c saw a guy 88cr hitting 13dragons pd around 60000+cr, any bros seen if 14D full face 15D whats the payout.
this kinda surprise payout... even better then it FG or mini/minor jp..

yday at dfdc 5c saw a guy 88cr hitting 13dragons pd around 60000+cr, any bros seen if 14D full face 15D whats the payout.
Just back from MBS...Up n down up n down.
3k br reach play table.die till left 1200.100- 200 per bet.
very sian already go play slots 5k 10c bet 60.credit drop till $600++
Come one kosong fg.!@#$//.give up.go back table change chips.$600.bet $100 die bet again die.bet $200 die.
my hand left 2 $100 chip..think better change to cash then go home.
After changing on way out saw 1 FK (5c)
Dont know y also.. just insert the remaining $200.
Bet 60cr till i very tired i think change to bet 150cr n just finish it.
when my credit left $30+++..i got a FG.happy take 13fg
n got a shock .full house A n dragon ×15 in a single spin.$4500.
Plus others n balance cash out ticket $4800plus..
from this moment like got form come back .change cash at counter then 4K chips at table.
From there 200 -500 per bet.i win 3k plus.after losing last hand $500.
Total 8200plus.minus br $3000.win 5k plus.
to me i very happy liao..
from nothing or rather $200 to $8000 plus.
Whole happening is like a dream.must thank the FK.
Wish every bros n sis heng heng n win alot.
Huat ahh
Yes bro..it is a phew for meYo Bro,
Happy for your winning yesterday...my last 200bucks still kena suck into those hungry machines
I ever had a similar experience like you in the early days...last 200bucks went to play rapid roulette and won back my 5k BR within a 3 games,betting $50 on 4 numbers...The feeling is like phew!!!
Good Luck
Hi Bro and oso to our dearest SisJJCC,
For your information only, MBS have placed 8 DFDC 2cts machines just right beside the Cash Express( Those machines used to be Pink Panther ) @ B1 smoking floor. I believed it should be ready to be play with in this few days..check it out if you happen to be there.
Lol.. pink panther... dunno from which company slot...
Should have been replace LONG ago...
No 1 is playing
Hi Bro and oso to our dearest SisJJCC,
For your information only, MBS have placed 8 DFDC 2cts machines just right beside the Cash Express( Those machines used to be Pink Panther ) @ B1 smoking floor. I believed it should be ready to be play with in this few days..check it out if you happen to be there.
Hi Sis,
If I am not wrong I was standing somewhere behind you at the high limit area watching you ladies playing CC for awhile...,yup I saw the handpay @ Central, that lady is playing $1 @ 50cr if I am not wrong but not sure how much is the handpay...
... Anyway, it was a break even trip so its ok lor....lasted me from 10pm till 4.30am of play with ups and downs...earn 65pts
Btw, you do not have to do anything at those Zodiac progressive corner...they have different cap prizes from $388 to $2588. I gotten once $2358 from the Zodiac horse 2weeks ago...The prize will drop to any machines randomly once its ripe. Pure luck...
[Thanks for letting me know how this works !!!]
Good Luck to all Bro & Sis..Cheers
i dunno wat the CRA requirement..
some title seem like wait forever also wun get approve..
some NEW title.. very fast they bring over...
CRA's approval
Like IGT SOTP.. which i believe it quite new..
so fast appear at RWS liao...
Those 2 cts DFDC were already in play when I walked past that area earlier tonight {Friday 3 Oct 2014}
I had a very quick catch-up lunch with an ex-colleague yesterday Thursday 2 Oct since I had to go down to the office to sign something there again since the first document was wrongly prepared {by the lay client who didn’t want to engage our professional services for a probate matter in relation to a Will which I witnessed for his deceased mom} and was thus rejected by the court registrar sighzzzz ....
This ex-colleague is now handling the work of 2 persons and can no longer afford to have a leisurely long lunch (i.e. the duties/files of the other one who got axed together with me and who only handles HDB files) and she has been doing overtime [instead of going off at 1pm she has had to stay till after 3pm for those 3 days when she’s supposed to work only half-day and also going back on Saturdays in order to clear the work load - WITHOUT any increase in pay of course] .. while for my secretaries handling Private Properties - they were ‘split and allotted/divided’ between several of the remaining ex-colleagues so not as ‘taxing or tough’ when it came to my work portfolio especially since work volume has gone down so should be a cinch for them
So I met my foodie-glutton retiree friend after that quick lunch yesterday
We caught a movie Dracula Untold at Cathay followed by "a tea-break" at Aston’s there where we shared a Pork Spare Ribs and a pot of Earl Grey tea {quite enjoy ‘not having to work’ except for the loss of income hahaha}![]()
We discussed ‘replicating what we did just before my MBS Visit that lucky Fri 19 Sep evening where for the very 1st time I’d won over 9k in the casino etc - so that I’ll get the good vibes/feel for another hopefully fruitful trip’
Wore that same ‘lucky’ shimmery Grey Top I wore that Friday too ....
... in fact I was to pay his $100 Levy so he could keep me company as well as act as a possible ‘Kicker’ should I ‘lose my common sense as usual with crazy slot play’ to kick me - To Stop & leave etc .....
He was saying - I should go all the way {on superstition & luck}
... that he could show me where to buy Lotus Flowers [for luck] in the market at the basement hahaha ...
Imagine me entering the casino with lucky lotus flowers hahahaha .....![]()
Sure kena called ‘siow char bor’ etc .....
He also warned me against eating beef if I want ‘gambling luck’ as that’s a No No !!!
{To do with Buddhism & vegetarian ??}
BUT this Friday morning while on the way to meet up first for our Yee Sang porridge breakfast at Chinatown [tho’ no Shimano fish at that time in the Food Centre] ....
his SMS states that he had to change our plans - his friend will be driving 3 of them to JB later instead for Tan Pin Pin’s political movie that’s banned here
So after our ‘lucky porridge’ breakfast, we took the MRT to Bayfront MBS and cooled down first from the scorching heat
- Teh-C for me and Chendol for him at that 1893 Nanyang Cafe/Halal Foodcourt on the Convention Hall/Shoppes side
(I’m NOT supposed to take cold stuff due to my persistent cough BUT I’ll still indulge and suffer for that...}
I only went to the Back Entrance and bought my levy before 12 noon
Decided I won’t bother to do further note-keeping/recording of my slot play (in order not to draw undue attention to myself)
Anyway I started off quite well - but as usual NON-Discipline was the order of the day {My Kicker not with me - in fact my retiree friend suggested that I use the $100 meant for his levy on a Food Trip another day instead as HE would enjoy that much more !!!!}
I COULD have minimised my losses [more-or-less break even with about $500-700 loss only] - 2 chances of that .....
Instead I lost my last balance profits {1800-2k ?} as well as fresh 2k + 1k ATM WD {I know NOT supposed to do ATM WD - but treat that 1k as 2nd/3rd Tier BR since I only withdrew 2k and not the full daily 3k Limit earlier} i.e. around $4600 [still small balance BR with me]
KIa’s 2c 5K 722 was surprisingly free when I popped over there after having stopped 1st Session play at my fav end-wall 10c Cash Cove at High Limit {where I had below average play as I went on ‘bashing’ with 125 credit play after initial 50/75 credit play - old habits die hard !!!}
So I coaxed 722 slowly to become a ‘good paying slot’ by feeding quite a few notes [>$500 !!!] before it started ‘behaving’
It seemed back to its almost normal good behaviour
I was playing quite aggressively at 300 and 450 credits [some 150 credits - hardly 60 credits] and luckily managed to catch the FGs which were frequent enough tho’ LOTS of False Alarms
Gave good Almost Recovery results for the later 3k BR {The time then was about 6pm - 8pm}
My "2-steps away fav COE" was occupied by a lady who was enjoying LOTS of re-triggers
I played briefly a 5c 100 Pandas - multiplied my $100 5-6x simply from the stacked Wilds
However Session 2 on the way-out to home - saw my $50 note multiplied to >$200, then dropping to almost zero since AGAIN didn’t know WHEN To Stop sighzzzzz
I played a couple of Turn of Chance at the ‘Zodiac Area’ - HOW does this latest Zodiac Spin thingy work ????
But these are nothing like my 1st Very Fruitful Try at the RWS Premium Slot
I simply wasted away several hundred dollars here - with NOT a single bonus game at all !!!!!
I managed to grow $100 Bonus Slot Credit into $700 at my ‘regular circular CC slot’
At the Night Session end-wall CC slot, I managed to grow the profits to highest $3600 level tito
But aggressive/lengthened 125 credit play saw all this dwindling down towards zero
Had I stopped after 10pm timing, my ‘today’s’ losses would have been much minimised to only $500-700 !
I met ‘Lynn’ again in the evening - the lady who ‘identified’ me (from the forum)
She {and her friend later } was playing my fav end-wall CC
I saw a lady with gunned-up hair having a Handpay at the central CC [same row against wall]
Seems like those 4 CCs over at that wall ‘can play & pay’
Lynn was telling me :
- that lady with bun who only plays MAX had a couple of weeks earlier just won $360k over at the 3rd CC and tonight she won another $400k at the central CC !!!
- that 2 years back in MBS, she Lynn managed to get paid 92k credits while playing only 25 credits at the CC
She showed me the shot she had taken {she has LOTS of pics on her handphone of the better wins over the years} where there was FH Fish {looked like yellow ones} x 10 Multiplier
“It all depends on whether the machine wants to pay you - no need to bet max/big !”
Ya .... impatient me needs to Go Slow & Bet Lower ....
Better sleep ... have plans to wake up early and go MBS before levy expires Sat morning
i.e. provided my mom doesn’t prevent me here .... so troublesome with her nagging & lectures etc ..... :(![]()
Whenever I start off any machine with max bet, few K gone within minute is so common, of course by mathematic explaination, we will know, hitting 500/1000cr per spin at a 2cent machine, $1k only can last you 100/50 spin only
In my memory, getting a feature within 100 spin and get a superd payout not many time lor
But when I start off with low bet, 50/100/150cr bet, I lost interest on that machine very fast lor
Bro qinshihuang I play less on wu zhe tian liao,now more on cash covemust stop eating fish hope they swim to me
Yes, for me, there's only 2 kind of mode when I decided to play slot
To win money or to kill time, no 3rd choice
If I want to win money, any machine I go will start with max bet until my BR dry up, cannot even lower my bet for once, because if at the end of the day, my BR still ended up zero, than I will curst at myself, why lower bet, slot players will know, it will just happen whenever we lower bet, especially feature come, but we know that casino operator can't do that kind of adjustment to the machine, so is still down to that time and that moment you hit the button and RNG already decided your fate
If I want to kill time, can be many reason, BR farking low, no time, waiting for an appointment, etc, than I will start low and maintain there until time up, once a while increase 2 bet or 3 bet, that's all, not more than that
I learn for myself, from low bet, especially I keep getting feature, than turn to max bet, the end day always very disastrous
Bro kia0042, every slot players after slotting their life away, will somehow ownself create a way to so call beat the machine theory, haha
Table games sometime need to use a bit of brain
Whereas slot machine most time need to use our guts feeling
Like for me, while walking around the casino, won't straight away insert money into any machine and whack lor, this way, will die very fast (at least it took me 2 years before I lose my last cent)
Although Bro menghuii matter depend a lot on luck, but if 1st hand max bet strike big win, the amount can be quite huge hor
For me, I believe in long play to obtain winning for slot (anyway we are well train, haha, most time, take 1-2 hour to fight win the machine), so testing water for machine is purely using my own instinct, of course we know slot machine are generated by RNG, but positioning of symbol for every spin also play a part lor, my own instinct, whenever I saw 3rd reel kept hinder by scatter symbol, meaning, no matter how nice is 1st 2 reels, it will not generate big payout, becos the scatter symbol keep appearing at 3rd reel to stop the machine from forming good combination, I will straight left this machine and search again, I still got many my own theory, will slowly share again next time
So after found my "ideal" machine, war start, total BR whacking max bet, no turning back liao
Of course, worst fear for any slot players is non other than choosing a wrong machine lot, after all kind of funny theory, hahaha
Thought of trying Cash Cove but practically every machine was occupied tonight :P Is it that fun to play???
Haha, bro, last time before I start insert bill to Qin machine, I even kowtow to the machine
I'm not a promoter for Weike Gaming, they do have fark up machine, I still only go for 3x5 reel type of gaming for Weike Gaming
Somehow, most gaming don't pay for wild symbol, they only substitute, Weike is 1 of the weird gaming
Judging from your previous posts, betting at 5-10 cr per lines for Qin got an advantage, even feature don't come, just by hitting line pay will recover loses sometime
Anyway good luck, my highest payout from Qin is still only 400k cr, I yet to hit 5 wild, many time hitting 4 wild only during feature, but is good enough