Playing min bet, once up a couple of hundred, will leave, most low rollers know this theory very well
Playing max bet, you won't know when you want to leave, this is the different lor
Why high roller don't know how to leave, because your capital (not BR hor) is a lot, winning a couple of thousand is nothing to you
So don't just naively throw a question to satisfy your doubt
$700-$800 of BR still can have a good time in casino and hoping to strike big playing minimum
Your post make people wonder, how deep is your pocket in order for you to say this
Good luck, play according to your own abilities, not judge on how other are playing
Oh dear .... I seem to have been misunderstood here
My apologies - you’ve misread my post - I am a person who Do NOT Judge others
Those who know me well - will know I’m the LEAST judgmental person around
In my post I was just WONDERING and posing my enquiry for discussion - NO judging of any sort at all
Oh dear ... IF I’d known it could be misunderstood or become a “sensitive issue”....maybe better not to post it up for discussion/sharing ?
Some misconceptions :
- I’ll consider myself as NOT having a very deep pocket {Tho’ of course I DID have a much deeper pocket than now BEFORE stepping into our 2 casinos .... these losses have left me with a very very much shallower pocket now of course in most ‘gambling’ cases} - (then again I suppose that’s RELATIVE in different cases as we’re not all the same)
Pls don’t misunderstand and say I’m boasting or ‘how lian etc”.... just being very honest
I count myself lucky in that I still have some form of ‘forced savings’ in my Insurance Policies {with considerable Cash Values - they were Life Saviours during a couple of Share Crisis etc} and a rather comfortable Share Portfolio amassed donkey years ago with some very good counters at Low Buying Price - so IF I want to now, I could “manipulate/realise/liquidate” some of these assets for further Slot Play capital etc {BUT kind of risky etc ... as very likely to lose all only sighzzzz}
- I DON’T play max [ie only very infrequently when a machine is hot/behaving well will I bet max on only 2c slots ...for 5/10c slots I’m too chicken to go max]
- I’m NO high-roller {at best can consider myself as a mid-roller only on slots BUT I really nowadays don’t/can’t play Minimum Bet anymore - haven’t played Minimum for a very very long time already ....}
- “winning a couple of thousand is nothing to you {i.e. me}” : well not exactly true as it all depends on the TIMING of this winning ....
If I’d won this couple of thousand within the 1st half-hour or 2 hours of play, I’m NOT likely to stop since I DON’T have enough Slot Fun YET
But IF this couple of thousand winning came after many hours of slot play and especially after a loong stretch of Negative Play {i.e. losses only} it will Mean Really Something to me such that I’ll want to Stop & Leave {at least with Minimised Losses or Gains}
The thing is - I needed to ADJUST to a Lower BR than what I’m usually used to in my circumstances
Having tried such Lower BRs - I have found it extremely tough-going & rather frustrating play [from Personal Experience]
THUS - I posted my Enquiry hoping the ‘Low-Rollers/Lower BR ppl’ could help shed some light here for me {a discussion/sharing ??}
Pls note - I’m NOT Judging or 'looking-down etc’ - I was simply curious and looking for some ‘answers’ only as such ....
Capital vs BR :
Actually I had never consciously made a distinction here
When I first started in 2010 - I would simply used the $$ in the bank accounts ‘without thinking’ OR the extras from the monthly salary as my BRs for each visit ...
It was only in 2011 when I totted up my Total Losses {i.e. WDs} that I realised I’d lost Too Much {Lost Capital ?} and simply couldn’t continue in the same way
Decided consciously then that the Casino Visits should become only Rare Occasional Treats {tho’ with Time on my hands now that has NOT been the case for Sep 2014 sighzzzzz}
Ya ... could say my capital = rather huge 6-figure sum lost overall
{Average BR = About 2 - 5k easily especially with ATM WDs}
For me very simplistic view :
Got Money that can be lost - then can go to casino
If don’t have - then can’t go [Until such time that Spare Money has been saved/accumulated/found from a source]
Then again ‘what is the definition of ‘Money that can be lost’ - How Far does that go hahahaha .....
I mean IF I Die Die also must go into casino, I’ll use any ‘excuse’ and explain away that ‘that money can be lost when rational minds would say that it can’t or should be used elsewhere instead of in the casinos etc etc etc ....’ hahahaha .....
We all know - IF we happen to be very lucky and chanced upon a Correct Timing Slot
That 1st $50/$100 note {or even Slot Bonus Credits} could lead us to a Good BIG Win or Windfall/JP etc ....
But that does NOT happen in the majority of our visits .....
Well - at least your reply did offer some answers to me {notwithstanding the misunderstanding/misconceptions} :
- Low-rollers or Minimum Bet Players are happy with a couple of hundred winnings and most would happily Stop & Leave
- NON Minimum Bet Players aren’t happy with a couple of thousand winnings and probably won’t Stop & Leave
{As posted above, for ME this depends on the TIMING - was this winning at the beginning or towards the end of the Slot Session ...
I CAN’T speak for the High-Rollers or Max Bet players as I’m NEITHER here}
- SO if I insist on going in with a Reduced BR of <1k, I MUST adjust my ‘expectations as well as Playing Style’
i.e. play maybe only 1st or 2nd Button INSTEAD of the usual 3rd Button=Mid-roller Style {with occasional 4th Button/ or 5th Button Max on 2c slots} - must Change my mindset to be happy & Stop and Leave when say 1k profit made {i.e. 100% ROI or Doubled Capital situation}
Guess end of the day ... maybe Easier Said Than Done - for a Mid-Roller Player ?
*** Bro hokkien etc :
Care to share -
HOW etc can you play only 1st or 2nd Button bets {Minimal Bets} and
(1) enjoy doing so as from MY limited personal experience so far I don’t seem to be able to derive much joy/fun when the feature/FG {IF they ever come at all} hardly pays and usually way below our starting notes put in ... only Diminishing Returns situation on the whole
{Ermmm I’m NOT judging you or anyone .... just curious when I can’t seem to be able to do the same as you here etc ...}
(2) Can last for long play session here doing that - at least 4 hours slot play ???
As my BR finishes VERY Fast somehow ......
I guess I want to know the techniques for :
Enjoying Slot Play with lower BR - lower/minimal bets - how to last longer there .....
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